Postal address
University of Siegen
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Institute of Production Engineering
Ergonomics Division
Paul-Bonatz-Straße 9-11
D-57068 Siegen
Phone: +49 (0) 271/740-4629
Fax: +49 (0) 271/740-14629
PB-A 341/2
Here you will find the map.
The map is also available as PDF-file .
Directions by bus:
Take line C111 or C106 (via Eichenhang) in the direction “Universität/Haardter Berg”. Leave the bus at the "Wilhelm von Humboldt-Platz" stop. Continue in the direction of the cars until you reach the lights. At the lights, turn into “Walter-Gropius-Weg”. Follow this street to the end. Paul-Bonatz campus is on the other side of the street.
Directions by car:
Leave the motorway (B54 / B62) at “Siegen-Weidenau”, and continue in the direction of “Netphen”. At the second set of lights, turn left into “Am Eichenhang”. At the second set of lights, turn right into ”Wilhelm von Humboldt-Platz“. Before the next set of lights, turn left into “Walter-Gropius-Weg”. Follow this street to the end. The car park on the other side of the street can easily be seen.