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Journals and Proceedings in Tagungsbänden, 2001:

119.  S. Y. Chang, U. Krupp, H.-J. Christ
Formation and compensation of residual stresses during internal nitridation of nickel-
base alloys
Materials Science and Engineering A, A301, 2001, 196-206

120. K. Schöler, H.-J. Christ

Influence of prestraining on cyclic deformation behaviour and microstructure of a single-phase Ni-base superalloy
International Journal of Fatigue, 23, 2001, 767-775

121. K. Prüßner, K. Pingel, H.-P. Dressel, C. Reiner, J. Becker, M. Schlosser, H.-J. Christ
Teaching materials characterization techniques: An interdisciplinary approach to develop interactive web-based multimedia teaching/learning software
Beitrag zur 2001 MRS Spring Meeting, 16.-20. April, San Francisco
in: Impacting Society Through Materials Science and Engineering Education,
Herausgeber: L. Broadbelt, K. Constant, and S. Gleixner, MRS Proceedings, Vol. 684E, 2001, GG 6.5.1, Internetzugriff möglich. erschienen in gedruckter Form: 
Journal of  Materials Education, 23, 2001, 101-106

122. H.-J. Christ
Fatigue of carbon and of alloy steels Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology 
Elsevier Science Ltd, 2001, 2955-2963

123. A. Ohrndorf, U. Krupp, H.-J. Christ
Fatigue behaviour of open- and closed-cell Al-foams Beitrag zur International Conference MetFoam2001, 18.-20. Juni 2001, Bremen
in: Cellular Metals and Metal Foaming Technology,
Herausgeber: J. Banhart, M.F. Ashby, N.A. Fleck, Verlag MIT Publishing, Bremen, 2001, 311-316

124. U. Krupp, S. Y. Chang, H.-J. Christ
Microstructural changes in the sub-surface area of Ni-base superalloys as a consequence of oxide scale failure angenommener
Beitrag zum 5th International Symposium on High-Temperature Corrosion and Protection of Materials,
Les Embiez, Frankreich, 22.-26. Mai 2000
in: High Temperatur Corrosion and Protection of Materials 5,
Herausgeber: R. Streiff, I. G. Wright, R.C. Kruenat, M. Caillet und A. Galerie, Materials Science Forum 369-372, 2001, 287-294

125. W. Floer, Y. Hu, U. Krupp, H.-J. Christ
Characterisation of short cracks in a beta-titanium alloy by electron back scattering diffraction (EBSP)
Beitrag zur EURO·MET 2000, 13.-15. September 2000 in Saarbrücken
in: Fortschritte in der Metallographie,
Herausgeber: G. Petzow, Werkstoffinformationsgesellschaft, Frankfurt, 2001. 159-162

126. U. Krupp, S. Y. Chang, H.-J. Christ
Modelling internal corrosion processes as a consequence of oxide failure
in: Lifetime Modelling of High Temperature Corrosion Processes,
Proceedings of an EFC Workshop 2001,
Herausgeber: M. Schütze, W.J. Quadakkers und J.R. Nicholls, European Federation of Corrosion - Publication No. 34, Maney publishing, London, 2001, 148-164

127. U. Krupp, W. Floer, H.-J. Christ, A. Schick, C.-P. Fritzen
Microstructural features of short crack growth in a beta titanium alloy Advances in Fracture Research,
Proceedings of ICF 10, 3.-7.12.2001, Honolulu, Hawai
Herausgeber: K. Ravi-Chandar, B.L. Karihaloo, T. Kishi, R.O. Ritchie, A.T. Yokobori Jr. und Y. Yokobori, Pergamon, 2001 (auf CD-ROM)

128. H.-J. Christ, K. Schöler
Effect of predeformation on fatique life - experimental characterization and description by means of a new parameter Advances in Fracture Research,
Proceedings of ICF 10, 3.-7.12.2001, Honolulu, Hawai
Herausgeber: K. Ravi-Chandar, B.L. Karihaloo, T. Kishi, R.O. Ritchie, A.T. Yokobori Jr. und Y. Yokobori, Pergamon, 2001 (auf CD-ROM)

129. H.-J. Christ, F.O.R. Fischer, H.J. Maier
High-temperature fatigue behavior of a near- titanium aluminide alloy under isothermal and thermo-mechanical conditions
Materials Science & Engineering A, A319-321, 2001, 625-630

130. U. Krupp, H.-J. Christ, P. Lezuo, H.J. Maier, R. G. Teteruk
Influence of carbon concentration on martensitic transformation in metastable austenitic steels under cyclic loading conditions
Materials Science & Engineering A, A319-321, 2001, 527-530

B.A. Pint, J.R. Regina, K. Prüßner, L.D. Chitwood, K.B. Alexander, P.F. Tortorelli
Effect of Environment on the Oxidation of Ingot-Processed Iron-Aluminides, 
Intermetallics 9, 8, 2001, 735

K. Prüßner

Development of Ni-Based Superalloys - Factors Affecting the Oxidation Performance, 
Symp. High-Temp. Mat. 2001 Extended Abstracts, 2001, 38