Address: University of Siegen
Kfz |
Siegen is situated on A 45 Dortmund - Gießen. You can reach the University area through expressway „Hüttentalstraße“ (HTS) from Frankfurt-Gießen direction as well as Dortmund/Köln (A4) direction. On connection Siegen - Mitte - Netphen leave the autobahn and drive on HTS. Follow "Universität" signs. Leave expressway on exit Siegen - Weidenau in Netphen direction. On the second streetlight (after about 3km) turn left on Am Eichenhang street. On the second streetlight turn right on Wilhelm-von-Humboldt-Platz. In front of the next streetlight turn left on Walter-Gropius-Weg. Drive on this street until it ends. Parking lot is situated clearly visible on the other side of the street.
University of Siegen has two big parking lots directly at Paul-Bonatz Building.
To visit the Chair of Construction please walk into the part of the building which is marked with an "A" (look at the picture above). Inside you can use the elevator or the stairs to go up to the 4th floor. Our office rooms (PB-A 431) are at the right side.
Bus |
From Siegen - Hauptbahnhof:
Lines R 10, R 60, L 111
From Siegen - Weidenau:
Lines L 111 and L 121 to Haardter Berg
As you reach the Haardter Berg get off at the stop "Hölderlinstraße" or "Wilhelm-von-Humboldt-Platz". From there walk about 5 minutes to the building Paul-Bonatz-Straße.
Verkehrsgemeinschaft Westfalen Süd Webseite
Train |
Siegen is situated on IR-line Münster - Hagen - Siegen - Frankfurt am Main and Köln - Siegen - Gießen.
From the train stations Siegen-Hbf. and Siegen-Weidenau (IR-line) you can take bus to Universität/Haardter Berg.
Deutsche Bahn Webseite
Plane |
The closest airports are Frankfurt on Main and Cologne/Bonn . With the train from Frankfurt you can reach Siegen in about 1,5 hours, from Köln/ Bonn in about 2 hours.