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Our team

Team (L)E(U)VT 2024


     Jun.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Anna Katharina Beine



     Natascha Löw



Scientific Staff

     Leon Rothe M.Sc.

     Fulvio Varamo M.Sc.

     Asim Jashari M.Sc.

     Benjamin Lucke M.Sc. Chemistry

     Daniel Schlosser M.Sc.

     Kevin Stephan M.Sc.





Technical Staff

     Techniker Swen Below

     Dipl.-Ing. Dietmar Lotter


Visiting Lecturers

     Apl.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Stefan Hamel

     Prof. Dr. Jens Haverkamp

     Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Hein

     Dr.-Ing. Lukas Hermeling

     Dr.-Ing. Alwin Heupel

     Dr.-Ing. Peter Maasz

     Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Malek

Founder of the Chair for Engergy and Environmental Process Engineering

     Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Wolfgang Krumm

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