Publikationen bis 2015
Veröffentlichungen / Publications
2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011| 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996
I. Vigdorovich, H. Foysi
Simultaneous Invariants of Strain and Rotation Rate Tensors and Their Admitted Region
Advances in Mathematical Physics, Article ID 147125 Volume 2015 (2015)
I. Vigdorovich, H. Foysi
Admitted redion for simultaneous invariants of strain and rotation rate tensors
Fluid Dynamics, 2016
M. Frewer, G. Khujadze and H. Foysi
Comment on "Statistical symmetries of the Lundgren-Monin-Novikov hierachy"
Accepted for publication in Physical Review E (2016)
M. Frewer, G. Khujadze and H. Foysi
"Comment on "Applicaton of the extended Lie group analysis of the Hopf functional formulation of the Burgers equation"
[J. Math. Phys. 54, 072901 (2013)]" Accepted for publication in J. Mathematical Physics, 2015
G. Mamatsashvili , S. Dong, G. Khujadze, G. Chagelishvili, J. Jimenez and H. Foysi
Homogeneous shaer turbulence - bypass concept via interplay of linear transient growth and nonlinear transverse cascade
Submitted to Phys. Fluids, 2015
B. Engel, E. Soemer, H. Foysi and F. Aldudak
Investigation of fibre movement in molten polymer during shaping processes of thermoplastic composites
Key Engineering Materials Vols. 611-612 (2014) pp 375-381
G. Chagelishvili, G. Khujadze, H. Foysi and M. Oberlack
Spanwise reflection symmetry breaking and turbulence control: Plane Couette flow
J. Fluid Mech. (2014), vol. 745, pp. 300-320
Michael Frewer, George Khujadze, Holger Foysi
A critical examination of the statistical symmetries admitted by the Lundgren-Monin-Novikov hierachy of unconfined trubulence
arXiv: 1412.6949 (2014)
Michael Frewer, George Khujadze, Holger Foysi
Is the log-law a first principle result from Lie-group invariance analysis?
arXiv: 1412.3069 (2014)
Michael Frewer, George Khujadze, Holger Foysi
On the physical inconsistebcy of a new statistial scaling symmetry in incompressible Navier-Stokes turbulence
arXiv: 1412.3061 (2014)
T. Kray, J.Franke and W. Frank
Magnus effect on a rotating soccer ball at high Reynolds numbers.
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 124, 46-53, 2014
D. Marinc and H. Foysi
Comparison of Gradient Accuracy and Noise Minimization using Continuous and Discrete Adjoint Method for a Subsonic Planet Jet.
Submitted to J. Comput. Physics, 2013
D. Marinc and H. Foysi
Optimal control of a plane jet using the adjoiont method.
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics VIII, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design,
Editors: Dillmann, A., Heller, G., Kreplin, H.P., Nitsche, W., Peltzer, I., Springer Verlag, Volume 121, pp 151-159, 2013
A. Ràkai and J. Franke
Validation of two RANS solvers with flow data of the flat Roof Michel-Stadt
cas. Urban Climate, 2013. Re-submitted after first review.
A. Rákai, G. Kristòf and J. Franke
Sensitivity Analysis of microscale obstacle resolving models for an idealized Cenral-European City centre.
Idöjárás-Quarterly Journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service, 2013.
T. Kray, J.Franke and W. Frank
Positive and negative Magnus effect on a rotating soccer ball at high Reynolds numbers.
In Proceedings of the European-African Conference on Wind Engineering - EACWE 2013, Cambridge, UK, 2013.
B. Leitl, S. Trini Castelli, . Baumann-Stanzr, T.G. Teisin, F. Barmpas, J. Moussafir, J. Franke, M. Balczo, P. Armand,S. Andronopoulos and all COST ES 1006 Members. COST Action ES106.
Evaluation, improvement and guidance for the use of local-scale emergency prediction and response tools for airborne hazards in built environments.
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Harmonization within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes - HARMO 15, Madrid, Span, 2013
G. Geiser, S.R. Koh, H. Foysi
Sound generation of variable density jets.
Proceedings- Institute of Aerodynamics, RWTH Aachen University, Heft 35, 2012
T. Kray, J. Franke and W. Frank
Magnus effect on a sphere at high Reynolds numbers.
Journal of Wind Engineering an Industrial Aerodynamics, 110:1 - 9, 2012
J. Franke, M.Sturm and C. Kalmbach
Validation of OpenFOAM 1.6x with the German VDI guideline for obstacle resolving micro-scale models.
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 104, 350 - 359, 2012
B. Manicham, J. Franke, S.P.R. Muppala and F. Dinkelacker
Large-eddy Simulation of Triangular-stabilized Lean Premixed Turbulent Flames: Quality and Error Assessment.
Flow Turbulence Combustion, 88, 563 -596, 2012
J. Franke, A. Laaser, B. Bieker and T. Kempfer
Sensitivity Analysis of RANS Simulations for Flow and Dispersion in the Generic European City Centre Michel-Stadt.
In Proceeding of the 15th International Conference of Fluid Flow Technologies (CMFF'12), pp. 81-88, Budapest, Hungary, 2012. ISBN 978-963-08-4588-5
A. Rakai and J. Franke
Validation of RANS flow models with flow data of an idealised central-European City centre, Michel-Stadt.
In Proceeding of the 15th International Conference of Fluid Flow Technologies (CMFF'12), pp. 73-80, Budapest, Hungary, 2012. ISBN 978-963-08-4588-5
I. Kalkman, J. Franke, O. Bronkhorst and C. van Bentum
A comparison of RANS computations and wind tunnel tests for RMS pressure on a high-rise building model.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics & Applications (BBAA VII), Shanghai, China, 2012
A. Rakai and J. Franke
Validation of two RANS solvers with flow data of the flat roof Michelstadt case.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Air Quality Science and Applications, Athens, Greece, 2012
S.R. Koh, G. Geiser, H. Foysi, W. Schröder.
Impact of Inhomogeneous Density Distribution on Acoustic Sources in Turbulent Jets.
In: ERCOFTAC Bulletin March 2012, pp. 15-21, Printed by CZSTOCHOWA UNIVERSITY of TECHNOLOGY, 2012
C. Schaupp, R. Friedrich, H. Foysi.
Transverse injection of a plane reacting jet into compressible turbulent channel flow.
Journal of Turbulence, Vol. 13, No. 24, pp 1-40, 2012
D. Marinc and H. Foysi.
Investigation of a countinuous adjoint-based optimization procdure for aeroacoustic control of plane jets.
Submitted to Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 38, pp 200-212, 2012
C. Schaupp, R. Friedrich and H. Foysi
Transverse injetion of plane reacting Jet into compressible turbulent channel flow.
In. Proc. of the 7th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 2011
S. Di Sabatino, H. Olesen, R. Berkowicz, J. Franke, M. Schatzmann, B. Leitl, H. Schlünzen, R. Britter, A. Martilli and B. Carissimo
Towards a model evalution protocol for urban scale flow and Dispersion models.
International Journal of Enviroment and Pollution, 47, 326 -336, 2011
S. Di Sabatino, R. Buccolieri, H. Olesen, M. Ketzel, R. Berkowicz, J. Franke, M. Schatzmann, H. Schlünzen, R. Britter, C. Borrego, A.M. Costa, T. Reisin, A. Hellsten, J. Saloranta, N. Moussiopoulos, F. Barmpas, K. Brzozowski, I. Goricsan, M. Balczo, J. Bartzis, G. Efthimiou, J.L. Santiago, A. Martilli, M. Piringer, M. Hirtl, A. Baklanov, R. Nuterman, A. Starchenko.
COST 732 in practice: the MUST model evaluation exercise.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 44:403 - 418, 2011
J. Franke, A. Hellsten, H. Schlünzen, and B. Carissimo.
The COST 732 best practice guideline for CFD simulation of flows in the urban enviroment - A summary.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 44:419 - 427, 2011
B. Manickam, J. Franke, S.P.R. Muppala and F. Dinkelacker
LES of Triangular-stabilized Lean Premixed Turbulent Flames with an Algebraic Reaction Closure: Quality and Error Assessment.
In M.V. Salvetti, B. Guerts, J. Meyers and P. Sagaut, Eds. Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulation II, pp. 221-230, Springer Verlag, Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, 2011. ISBN 978-94-007-0230-1
J. Franke, M. Sturm and C. Siebel
Validation of OpenFOAM v1.6.x with the German VDI guideline for obstacle resolving micro-scale models.
In Proceeding of the 13th International Conference on Wind Engineering - ICWE13, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2011
A. Martilli, J.L. Santiago, T.G. Reisin, A. Baklanov, J. Bartzism, R.Buccolieri, A.M. Costa, S. Di Sabatino, G. Efthimiou, J. Franke, A. Hellsten, R. Nuterman and R. Tavares
How to choose the best simulation for a specific purpose?
In J.G. Bartzisi, A.Syrakos and S. Andronopoulos, Hrsg., Proceeding of the 14th International Conference on Harmonization within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes - HARMO 14, Kos, Greece, 2011
H. Foysi, S.Sarkar.
The compressible mixing layer: an LES study.
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, DOI 10,1007/s00162-009-0176-8, 2010
H. Foysi, M. Mellado, S. Sarkar.
Simulation and Comparison of Variable Density Round and Plane Jets.
International Journal of Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol. 31, pp. 307-314, 2010
S. Gosh, H. Foysi, R. Friedrich.
Compressible Turbulent Channel an Pipe Flow: Similarities und Differences.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 648, pp. 155-181, 2010
G. Geiser, H. Foysi, W. Schröder, M. Meinke
On Sound Generated by a Global Unstable Round Jet.
In: High Perfomance Computing on Vector Systems 2010, Part 4, pp. 123-136 Springer Verlag 2010
G. Geiser, S. Koh, H. Foysi, W. Schröder.
Sound generation of variable density jets.
AIAA-2010-3844, 16th AIA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010.
H. Foysi, G. Geiser, S. Koh, W. Schröder.
Effect of filter wdth on jet aeroacoustics.
AIAA-2010-3845, 16th AIA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010.
M. Schatzmann, H. Olesen, J. Franke.
COST 732 Model Evaluation Case Studies: Approach and Results.
COST office, Brussels, 2010.
B. Manickam, S.P.R. Muppala, J. Franke, F. Dinkelacker.Numerical simulation of rod stabilized flames. In J.C.F. Pereira and A. Sequeira, editors, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECCOMAS CFD 2010),
Lisbon, Portugal, 14-17 June 2010.
J. Franke.
Numerical uncertainties in the computation of the flow in 2D street canyons.
In A. Albergel, editor, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes (HARMO13), page 646,
Paris, France, 1-4 June 2010. ARIA Technologies.
A. Bronkhost, J. Franke, C. Geurts, C. van Bentum, F. Grepinet.
Wind tunnel and CFD modelling of wind pressure on solar energy systems on flat roofs.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering (CWE2010),
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA, 23-27 May 2010.
J. Franke.
A review of verification and validation in relation to CWE.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering (CWE2010),
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA, 23-27 May 2010.
S. Di. Sabatino, A. Baklanov, J. Bartis, R.Berkowicz, R. Buccolieri, A.M. Costa, G. Efthimiou, J. Franke, M. Ketzel, B. Leitl, R. Nuterman. H.R. Olesen, R. Tavares.
Analyses, critical issus and outcome from COST 723 CFD evaluation exercise.
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA, 23-27 May 2010.
C.Wevers,J. Franke, R. Höffer, A. Hugo.
Numerical modelling of pollution dispersion from partly open industrial halls using a Lagrangian particle tracking method.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering (CWE2010),
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA, 23-27 May 2010.
J. Franke.
COST 732 Model Evaluation Case Studies: CFD RANS models applied to MUST and Oklahoma City data.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering (CWE2010),
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA, 23-27 May 2010.
The Best Practise Guidsline for the CFD simulation of flow in the urban enviroment: an outcome of COST 732.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering (CWE2010),
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA, 23-27 May 2010.
R. Izarra-Garcia, J. Franke, W. Frank.
Pollution dispersion simulations of the MUST case using anisotropic turbulent scalar flux models.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering (CWE2010)
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA, 23-27 May 2010.
H. Foysi, J.P. Mellado, S. Sarkar.
Simulation and Comparison of Variable Density Round and Plane Jets.
In: Proc. of the 6th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena Conference, Seoul, Korea, 2009.
S. Gosh, H. Foysi, R. Friedrich.
Compressible Turbulent Channel and pip Flow: Similarities and Differences.
In: Proc. of the 6th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena Conference, Seoul, Korea, 2009.
K.-F. Tang, J. Franke.
Numerical simulation of noise induced by flow around cylinder using the hybrid method with the solutions of NS equation and FW-H integration.
Shuidonglixue Yanjiu yu Jinzhan/Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics Ser. A, 24(2):190-199, 2009.
J. Franke.
European COST Action 732 - Quality Assurance and Improvement of Micro-Scale Meteorological Models.
In Proceedings of the 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering (APCWE-VII), pages 597-600,
Taipei, Taiwan, 8-12 November 2009. Chinese Taiwan Association for Wind Engineering.
B. Manickam, J. Franke. S.P.R. Muppala, F. Dinkelacker.
LES of Triangular-stabilized Lean Premixed Turbulent Flames with an algebraic reaction closure: Quality and Error Assessment.
In Proceedings of the Conference Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simualtion II, Pisa,
Italy, 9-11 September 2009
R. Izarra-Garcia, J. Franke, W. Frank.
Secound moment for turbulent scalar fluxes - MUST case.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Physical Modelling of Flow and Dispersion Phenomena (PHYSMOD 2009),
Brussels, Belgium, 24-26 August 2009.
J. Franke.
Validation metrics of Reynolds stresses and turbulent kinetic energy for the MUST wind tunnel case of COST action 732.
In C. Borri, G. Augusti, G. Bartoli and L. Facchini, editors, Proceedings of the 5th European & African Conference on Wind Engineering (EACWE5), pages 265-268,
Florence, Italy, 19-23 July 2009. Firenze University Press.
J. Franke,
Validation of a CFD model for the prediction of flow and dispersion in the urban environment.
In N.T. Bayazit, G. Manioglu, G.K. Oral and Z. Yilmaz, editors, Proceedings of the 4th International Building Physics Conference: Energy Efficiency and New Approaches, pages 969-976,
Istanbul, Turkey, 15-18 June 2009. Istanbul Technical University.
B. Manickam, S.P.R. Muppala, J. Franke, F. Dinkelacker.
Evaluation of an algebraic model for bluff body stabilized flames and large-eddy simulation quality assessment for non-reacting and combusting flows.
In Proceedings of the Fourth European Combustion Meeting,
Vienna, Austria, 14-17 April 2009.
J. Franke, F. Grepinet.
CFD simulation of pressure loads on roof mounted solar systems
In Proceedings of the 23rd microCAD International Scientific Conference, pages 53-58,
Miskolc, Hungary, 19-20 March 2009.
C. Wevers, J. Franke, R. Höffer.
Validierung von CFD-Simulationsprogrammen anhand der VDI Richtlinie 3783.
Bauingenieur, 82:S2 - S5, 2008.
R. Izarra-Garcia, J. Franke, W. Frank.
Pollution dispersion prediction for the MUST wind tunnel experiment with anisotropic algebraic models for turbulent scalar fluxes.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Harmonization within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Cavtat, Croatia, pp. 380-384, 2008.
J. Franke, J. Bartzis, F. Barmpas, R. Berkowicz, K. Brzozowski, R. Buccolieri, B. Carissimo, A. Costa, S. Di Sabatino, G. Efthimiou, I. Goricsan, A. Hellsten, M. Ketze, B. Leitl, R. Nuterman,H. Olesen, E. Polreich, J. Santiago, R. Tavares.
The MUST model evaluation exercise: statistical analysis of modelling results.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Harmonization within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Cavtat, Croatia, pp. 414-418, 2008.
S. Di Sabatino, H. Olesen, R. Berkowicz, J. Franke, M. Schatzmann, R. Britter, H. Schlünzen, A. Martilli, B. Carissimo.
A model evaluation protocol for urban scale flow and dispersion models.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Harmonization within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Cavtat, Croatia, pp. 409-413, 2008.
H. R. Olesen, A. Baklanov, J. Bartzis, F. Barmpas, R. Berkowicz, K. Brzozowski, R. Buccolieri, B. Carissimo, A. Costa, S. Di Sabatino, G. Efthimiou, J. Franke, I. Goricsan, A. Hellsten, M. Ketzel, B. Leitl, R. Nuterman, E. Polreich, J. Santiago, R. Tavares.
The MUST model evaluation exercise: Patterns in model performance.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Harmonization within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Cavtat, Croatia, pp. 403-408, 2008.
J. Franke and W. Frank.
Application of generalized Richardson extrapolation to the computation of the flow
across an asymmetric street intersection.
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 96: 1616 - 1628, 2008.
I. Mahle, R. Friedrich, H. Foysi and S. Sarkar.
Effects of heat release on the turbulence structure in temporally evolving compressible mixing layers.
Proceedings of the TSFP5, 2007
I. Mahle, H. Foysi, S. Sarkar and R. Friedrich.
On the turbulence structure in inert and reacting compressible mixing layers.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 593, pp. 171-180, 2007
J. Franke.
Validierung von CFD Ergebnissen im Windingenieurwesen.
In U. Peil, editor, Praktische Anwendungen in der Windingenieurtechnik - 10. Dreiländertagung D-A-CH, number 10 in WtG-Berichte, pages 127-136, Braunschweig, 8.-9. November 2007.
ISBN 3-928909-09-6
M. Vogel, J. Franke, W. Frank and H. Schroten.
Flow in the well: computational fluid dynamics is essential in flow chamber construction.
Cytotechnology, 55:41 - 54, 2007.
R. Izarra, J. Franke and W. Frank.
Evaluation of Pollution Dispersion Prediction Using RANS and Turbulence Models Available in FLUENT 6.3.
In Proceedings of Physmod 2007 – International Workshop on Physical Modelling of Flow and Dispersion Phenomena, 29 - 31 August, page 201, University of Orléans, France, 2007.
ISBN 2-913454-32-1.
J. Franke.
Introduction to the Prediction of Wind Loads on Buildings by Computational Wind Engineering (CWE).
In C. C. Baniotopoulos and T. Stathopoulos, editors, Wind Effects on Buildings and Design of Wind-Sensitive Structures, number 493 in CISM
Internatinal Centre of Mechanical Sciences, chapter 3, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2007.
ISBN 978-3-211-73075-1.
J. Franke, A. Hellsten, H. Schlünzen and B. Carissino, editors.
Best Practice Guideline for the CFD Simulation of Flows in the Urban Environment.
COST Office, Brussels, 2007.
ISBN 3-00-018312-4..
J. Franke.
Richtlinien und Empfehlungen guter fachlicher Praxis für den Einsatz numerischer
Strömungsmechanik im Windingenieurwesen.
Bauingenieur, 82:S6 - S8, 2007.
B. Bolló, J. Franke, S. Szabó and W. Frank.
Modelling of an Electrically Heated Cylinder.
In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference microCAD 2007,
22. - 23.March,
Section E: Fluid and Heat Engineering, pages 13 - 20, University of Miskolc,
Hungary, 2007.
ISBN 978 963 661 742.
R. Izarra, J. Franke and W. Frank.
CFD Simulation of Pollution Dispersion in a 2D Street Canyon.
In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference microCAD 2007,
22. - 23.March,
Section E: Fluid and Heat Engineering, pages 67 - 72, University of Miskolc,
Hungary, 2007.
ISBN 978 963 661 742.
R. Friedrich, H. Foysi and J. Sesterhenn.
Turbulent momentum and passive scalar transport in supersonic channel flow.
J. Brazilian Soc. of Mech. Scienes & Eng., Vol. 28(2), 2006
J. Mathew, H. Foysi and R. Friedrich.
LES of compressible flows via explicit filtering.
Int. J. of Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol. 27, Issue 4, pp. 594-602, 2006
R. Izarra and F. Dinkelacker.
Software packages for CFD. Notes to Quality Control (Error Analysis)
In Course notes of the Third International Courses on Computational Engineering, 27.09 - 02.10 2006, Kopaonik, Serbia, pages 139 - 147, Nis, Serbia, 2006
ISBN 86 80587 39 4.
R. Izarra and F. Dinkelacker
Methods for numerical simulation I (DNS & RANS)
In Course notes of the Third International Course on Computational Engineering, 28.09 - 02.10.2006, Kopaonik, Serbia, pages 69 - 112, Nis Serbia, 2006.
ISBN 86 80587 49 4.
T. Gora, J. Franke and W. Frank.
LES of the flow around a rotating sphere at ReD=10000.
In Proceedings of the Conference Modelling Fluid Flow (CMFF'06), pages 312 - 317, Budapest, Hungary, 2006.
C.Li, J. Franke and M. de Wit.
CFD and full cale examination of th pressure distribution around a building corner.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Building Physics Conference, Montreal, Canada, 27.-31.08.2006.
J. Franke.
Evaluating Fluent V6.2 with the German VDI Guideline for Obstacle Resolving Micro-Scale Models.
In Proceedings of The Fourth International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering (CWE2006), pages 793 - 796, Yokohama, Japan, 2006.
J. Franke.
Recommendations of the Cost Action C14 on the Use of CFD in Predicting Pedestrian Wind Environment.
In Proceedings of The Fourth International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering (CWE2006), pages 529 - 532, Yokohama, Japan, 2006.
J. Franke, W. Frank.
Application of Richardson Extrapolation to the Prediction of the Flow Field around Building Models.
In Proceedings of The Fourth International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering (CWE2006), pages 121 - 124, Yokohama, Japan, 2006.
F. Seiler, H. Ende, D. Hensel, J. Sruljes, J. Franke, and W. Frank.
Final review of ISL work for the EC contract: Airbag for Closing of Pipelines on Explosions and Leakages.
ISL-Report FV 301/2006, French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis (ISL), F-68301 Saint-Louis, France, 2006.
T. Kray and W. Frank.
Investigations on the flow around non-rotating and rotating spheres.
In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference microCAD 2006, 16 - 17 March, Section E: Fluid and Heat Engineering, pages 39 - 46, University of Miskolc, Hungary, 2006.
ISBN 963 661 705 8.
T. Gora, J. Franke and W. Frank.
LES of the flow around a sphere at ReD=104.
In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference microCAD 2006, 16 - 17 March, Section E: Fluid and Heat Engineering, pages 21 - 26, University of Miskolc, Hungary, 2006.
ISBN 963 661 705 8.
H. Foysi and R. Friedrich
DNS of passive scalar transport in tubulent supersonic channel flow.
In: High Performance Computingin Science and Engineering, Munich 2004, Springer Verlag, S. Wagener et al. (Eds.) 2005, pp.107-118
H. Foysi.
Transport passiver Skalare in wandgebundener und isotroper kompressibler Turbulenz.
Doktorarbeit, Lehrstuhl für Fluidmechanik, TU München 2005.
H. Foysi and R. Friedrich.
Passive scalar transport in turbulent supersonic channel flow.
In: Progress in Turbulence, Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 101, 2005, pp.223-227
H. Foysi, S. Sarkar and R. Friedrich.
On the microstructure of the scalar field in compressible forced isotropics turbulence and supersonic channel flow.
In: Proc. of the 4th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena Conference, Williamsburg, USA, 2005.
S. Heinz, H. Foysi and R. Friedrich.
A (k,ω)-analysis of turbulent supersonic channel flow DNS data.
In: Proc. of the 4th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena Conference, Williamsburg, USA, 2005.
J. Mathew, H. Foysi and R. Friedrich.
A new approach to LES based on explicit filtering.
In: Proc. of the 4th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena Conference, Williamsburg, USA, 2005.
J. Franke and W. Frank.
Numerical simulation of the flow across an asymmetric street intersection.
In J. Náprstek and M. Pirner, editors, Proceedings of the 4th European-African Conference on Wind Engineering (EACWE4), 11 - 15 July, Czech Technical University, Prague, 2005.
F. Seiler, H. Ende, D. Hensel, J. Sruljes, J. Franke, and W. Frank.
Unsteady Simulation of the Expansion of an Airbag into the Flow in a Shock Tube - 36 month report for the EC contract No. G1RD-CT-2001-00661.
ISL-Report CR/RV 501/2005, French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis (ISL), F-68301 Saint-Louis, France, 2005.
T. Kray and W. Frank.
Experimental determination of aerodynamic lift and drag forces on rotating spheres.
In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference microCAD 2005, 10 - 11 March, Section F: Fluid and Heat Engineering, pages 69 - 74, University of Miskolc, Hungary, 2005.
ISBN 963 661 652 3.
J. Franke and W. Frank.
Numerical simulation of the subcritical flow over a rotating sphere.
In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference microCAD 2005, 10 - 11 March, Section F: Fluid and Heat Engineering, pages 17 - 24, University of Miskolc, Hungary, 2005.
ISBN 963 661 652 3.
S. Sarkar, H. Foysi and R. Friedrich.
On the turbulence in compressible turbulent isothermal channel flow.
In: Dircet and Large-Eddy Simulation V, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004, pp. 405-412.
H. Foysi and R. Friedrich.
Supersonic turbulent channel flow with passive scalar transport.
In: Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design.
Vol. 87, Springer Verlag 2004, pp. 350-357.
H. Foysi, S. Sarkar and R. Friedrich.
Compressibility effects and turbulence scalings in supersonic channel flow.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 509, 2004, pp. 207-216.
S. Heinz and H. Foysi.
Supersonic channel flow: The effect of compressibility in turbulence models.
In: Advances in Turbulence X, Proc. of the 10th European Turbulence Conference, CIMNE Verlag, 2004, pp. 685-688.
H. Foysi and R. Friedrich.
DNS of passive scalar transport in turbulent supersonic channel flow:
In: High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Munich 2004, Springer Verlag S. Wagner et al. (Eds), 2005, pp. 107-118.
J. Franke, G. Janiga, and W. Frank.
Unsteady simulation of the expansion of a sphere into a pipe flow.
Bericht AIRBAG-2004-06, Lehrstuhl für Fluiddynamik und Strömungstechnik, Institut für Fluid- und Thermodynamik, Universität Siegen, 2004.
J. Franke, G. Janiga, and W. Frank.
Unsteady simulation of the expansion of a sphere into the flow in a shocktube.
Bericht AIRBAG-2004-05, Lehrstuhl für Fluiddynamik und Strömungstechnik, Institut für Fluid- und Thermodynamik, Universität Siegen, 2004.
K. Tang.
Numerical Simulation of Flow-Induced Noise by Means of the Hybrid Method with LES and Acoustic Analogy.
PhD thesis, Fachbereich Maschinentechnik, Universität Siegen, Lehrstuhl für Fluiddynamik und Strömungstechnik, Institut für Fluid- und Thermodynamik, 2004.
J. Franke, C. Hirsch, A.G. Jensen, H.W. Krüs, M. Schatzmann, P.S. Westbury, S.D. Miles, J.A. Wisse, and N.G. Wright.
Recommendations on the Use of CFD in Wind Engineering.
In J.P.A.J van Beeck, editor, Proceedings of the International Conference on Urban Wind Engineering and Building Aerodynamics: COST Action C14 - Impact of Wind and Storm on City Life and Built Environment, May 5 - 7, pages C.1.1 - C.1.11, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium, 2004. von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics.
ISBN 2-930389-11-7.
A.G. Jensen, C. Hirsch, J. Franke, M. Schatzmann, T. Stathopoulos, J.A. Wisse, and N.G. Wright.
Impact of Wind and Storm on City Life and Built Environment - Working Group 2 CFD Techniques - Computational Wind Engineering.
In J.P.A.J van Beeck, editor, Proceedings of the International Conference on Urban Wind Engineering and Building Aerodynamics: COST Action C14 - Impact of Wind and Storm on City Life and Built Environment, May 5 - 7, pages A.2.1 - A.2.6, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium, 2004. von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics.
ISBN 2-930389-11-7.
J. Franke, M. Vogel, and W. Frank.
Numerical Analysis of a Flow Chamber for the Investigation of Bacterial Adhesion to Human Cells.
In L. Lehoczky and L. Kalmár, editors, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference microCAD 2004, 18 - 19 March, Section D: Fluid and Heat Engineering, pages 25-30, University of Miskolc, Hungary, 2004.
ISBN 963 661 612 4.
G. Janiga, J. Franke, and W. Frank.
Numerical Simulation of the Turbulent Flow in a Pipe with an Expanding Sphere.
In L. Lehoczky and L. Kalmár, editors, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference microCAD 2004, 18 -19 March, Section D: Fluid and Heat Engineering, pages 49-56, University of Miskolc, Hungary, 2004.
ISBN 963 661 612 4.
H. Foysi and R. Friedrich.
DNS of passive scalar transport in turbulent supersonic channel flow.
In: Proc. of the 3rd Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena Conference, Sendai, Japan, 2003, pp. 1121-1126.
H. Foysi, S. Sarkar and R. Friedrich.
On Reynolds stress anisotropy in comressible channel flow.
In: Proc. of the 3rd Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena Conference, Sendai, Japan, 2003, pp. 1103-1108
J. Mathew, R. Lechner, H. Foysi, J. Sesterhenn and R. Friedrich.
An explicit filtering method for large-eddy simulation of compressible flow.
Physics of Fluids, Vol. 15, 2003, pp. 2279-2289
J. Alken.
Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zur Umströmung einer komplexen Geometrie.
Berichte aus der Strömungstechnik. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2003.
ISBN 3-8322-1885-8.
J. Franke, J. Alken, and W. Frank.
Grobstruktursimulation turbulenter Strömungen auf Workstation-Cluster.
In P.Schwarz, editor, Workshop Modellierung und Simulation räumlich verteilter Systeme - 14. und 15. März in Nürnberg, number 87 in Mitteilungen aus den Arbeitskreisen, pages 22-35, Fraunhofer IIS / EAS Dresden, 2003. ASIM - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Simulation in der Gesellschaft für Informatik.
J. Franke and W. Frank.
Simulation of the flow around an airbag - analysis of the steady flow around spherical and elliptical obstacles in a tube -.
Bericht AIRBAG-2002-01, Lehrstuhl für Fluiddynamik und Strömungstechnik, Institut für Fluid- und Thermodynamik, Universität Siegen, 2003.
F. Seiler, H. Ende, D. Hensel, J. Sruljes, J. Franke, and W. Frank.
Experimental and numerical investigation of the flow around an airbag in a pipeline - 12 month report for the EC contract No. G1RD-CT-2001-00661.
ISL-Report CR/RV 502/2003, French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis (ISL), F-68301 Saint-Louis, France, 2003.
J. Franke and W. Frank.
Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flows.
In FOMAAS Status Report 2000 - 2002, pages 41-43. Zentrale Vervielfältigungsstelle, University of Siegen, 2002.
ISBN 3-9807356-3-x.
J. Franke and W. Frank.
Large eddy simulation of the flow past a circular cylinder at ReD = 3900.
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 90:1191 - 1206, 2002.
T. Eberz.
Beiträge zur 3D-Kfz-Aerodynamik.
Berichte aus der Strömungstechnik. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2001.
ISBN 3-8265-9647-1.
J. Franke and W. Frank.
Temporal commutation errors in Large-Eddy simulation.
ZAMM, 81(S3):S467 - S468, 2001.
J. Franke and W. Frank.
LES of the flow past a circular cylinder at Re=3900.
In J. Wisse, K. Kleinman, C. Geurts, and M. de Wit, editors, Proceedings of the 3rd European & African Conference on Wind Engineering (3 EACWE), pages 181-184, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, 2001. FAGO and CO, Department of Building, Architecture and Planning.
ISBN 90-6814-121-X.
M. von Hoyningen-Huene.
Numerische Untersuchung von Stator-Rotor-Wechselwirkungsphänomenen in einer industriellen Gasturbine im Hinblick auf die Auslegung.
Logos Verlag, Berlin, 2000.
ISBN 3-89722-513-1.
M. von Hoyningen-Huene, W. Frank, and A.R. Jung.
Three-Dimensional Time-Resolved Flow Field in the First and Last Turbine Stage of a Heavy Duty Gas Turbine, Part II: Interpretation of Blade Pressure Fluctuations.
ASME Paper Nr. 2000-GT-0439, 2000.
M. von Hoyningen-Huene, W. Frank, and A.R. Jung.
Three-Dimensional Time-Resolved Flow Field in the First and Last Turbine Stage of a Heavy Duty Gas Turbine, Part I: Secondary Flow Fields.
ASME Paper Nr. 2000-GT-0438, 2000.
Experimental and numerical simulations of the flow around car models.
In H.-J. Niemann, editor, Volume of Abstracts BBAA IV, Fourth International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics & Applications, September 11 - 14, pages 461 - 462, Aerodynamik im Bauwesen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, 2000.
J. Franke, T. Eberz, and W. Frank.
Numerical simulation of the 2-D flow around a car model.
In H.-J. Niemann, editor, Volume of Abstracts BBAA IV, Fourth International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics & Applications, September 11 - 14, pages 347 - 348, Aerodynamik im Bauwesen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, 2000.
T. Streule.
Dreidimensionale Simulation von Selbstzündung, Verbrennung und Schadstoffbildung in DE-Dieselmotoren.
PhD thesis, Fakultät für Maschinenbau, Universität Karlsruhe, 2000.
W. Frank and J. Alken.
Aerodynamische Untersuchung und Optimierung von Scheibenwischersystemen im Windkanal.
Bericht BO-02-00, Lehrstuhl für Fluiddynamik und Strömungstechnik, 2000.
W. Frank and J. Alken.
Experimentelle Bestimmung des Widerstandes und des Auftriebes von Scheibenwischblättern im Windkanal.
Bericht BO-01-00, Lehrstuhl für Fluiddynamik und Strömungstechnik, 2000.
W. Frank and J. Alken.
Ermittlung des Widerstandsverhaltens von Wischhebelsystemen im Windkanal.
Bericht BO-01-99, Lehrstuhl für Fluiddynamik und Strömungstechnik, 1999.
W. Frank, J. Alken, and T. Eberz.
Vergleichsmessungen für den Widerstand und den Auftrieb von zwei Wischerversionen im Windkanal.
Bericht BO-02-99, Lehrstuhl für Fluiddynamik und Strömungstechnik, 1999.
W. Frank, J. Alken, and T. Eberz.
Experimentelle Untersuchung von zweidimensionalen Wischblatt-Umströmungen im Windkanal.
Bericht BO-03-99, Lehrstuhl für Fluiddynamik und Strömungstechnik, 1999.
W. Frank.
Numerical simulation and verification of the flow around a surface mounted cubic body placed in a fully developed turbulent channel flow.
In G. M. Carlomagno and C. A. Brebbia, editors, Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements IX, International Series on Computational Engineering, pages 213 - 222, Southhampton, 1999. WIT Press.
ISBN 1 85312683 7.
W. Frank and T. Eberz.
Ermittlung des Auftriebsverhaltens von Wischhebelsystemen im Windkanal.
Bericht BO-01-98, Lehrstuhl für Fluiddynamik und Strömungstechnik, 1998.
C. Spengler.
Entwicklung eines Programms zur Berechnung von kompressiblen und inkompressiblen Strömungen.
Berichte aus der Strömungstechnik. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 1998.
ISBN 3-8265-4021-2.
R. Weller.
Lastangepaßte Einlaßströmung zur Verbesserung der AGR-Verträglichkeit des Ottomotors.
PhD thesis, Fakultät für Maschinenbau, Universität Karlsruhe, 1998.
J. Franke.
Untersuchungen zur Grobstruktursimulation kompressibler Strömungen mit der Volumenfiltermethode auf bewegten Gittern.
Berichte aus der Strömungstechnik. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 1998.
ISBN 3-8265-4332-7.
W. Frank.
Numerical simulation of the 3-D turbulent flow around cubic bodies in a channel flow.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluid Engineering (ICFE'97), pages 1509 - 1514, 1997.
W. Frank.
Numerical simulation of incompressible and compressible turbulent flows by LES.
In SEIKEN Symposium No. 20, Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flows - Towards the 21th Century, pages 87 - 121, 1997.
W. Frank.
Numerische Simulation der dreidimensionalen, turbulenten Umströmung von Bauwerksmodellen.
In M. S. Kim, editor, Turbulenz in der Strömungstechnik, pages 48 - 60. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 1997.
B. Heel.
Dreidimensionale Simulation der Strömung und Verbrennung im Zylinder eines Otto-Forschungsmotors.
PhD thesis, Fakultät für Maschinenbau, Universität Karlsruhe, 1997.
W. Frank.
Three-dimensional numerical calculation of the turbulent flow around a sharp edged body by means of large-eddy-simulation.
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 65:415 - 424, 1996.