Equipment of the Institute
Coating technology
Electron-Cyclotron-Resonance(ECR) Microwave-plasma-CVD-system
ASTEX, Deposition of film-systems and nanostructures
3 Microwave-plasma-CVD-systems
(1,5 kW, 3 kW, 5 kW): ASTEX, Deposition of film-systems and nanostructures
Hot filament CVD
Deposition of film-systems
Thermal CVD
Synthesis of nanostructures and coatings
2 RF magnetron sputtering systems
Deposition of film-systems
Industrial coating tool (2xDC, 1x HiPIMS), CC800, CemeCon
Deposition of film-systems on complex 3D substrates
Plasa etching tool
Texturing, flattening, thinning of wafers or film-systems
Electro-plating facilities
Metallization of various surfaces (including nanostructures)
using electrons and ions:
Field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) in combination with EDX
Zeiss Ultra 55, Ultra-high-resolution imaging and elemental analysis for all kinds of thechnological and scientific investigations
Focused-Ion-Beam microscope (FIB)
Helios Nanolab 600, Surface structuring and modification
Secondary ion mass spectrometry
ION-TOF TOF-SIMS, depth-profiling elemental analysis
Secondary electron yield measurements (SEY)
Experiment for elucidating the secondary electron yield (SEY) of materials
Transmission electron microscope (TEM)
FEI Talos F200X, in combination with EDX
using photons:
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy
Thermo Nicolet 6700, option for reflection-measurements included, fast measurements for structure determinations in solids and gases
Thermo Nicolet Almega XR, dispersive Raman-spectroscopy. The systems allows for mapping and depth scanning of film samples as well as the analysis of powder samples and fluids
X-ray diffractometer
Seifert XRD 3000PTS, standard for analyzing the structure of a material
UBM, measuring topography and roughness at the micro-scale
Optical microscopy
Olympus BX51M, SZX10, failure analysis and metallography
Shimadzu HMV-2000, measurement of hardness
Hysitron TriboIndenter (including feedback-control and nanoDMA), complete mechanical and tribological characterization on the nano scale
Wear measurements
Scanning-Probe-Microscope (SPM)
Park Scientific Asia, Surface-characterization at nano-scale
Wear and adhesion measurements