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M.Sc. Bharath Reddy Lakki Reddy Venkata

Chair of Surface and Materials Technology
Institute of Materials Engineering
University of Siegen
Paul-Bonatz-Straße 9-11
57076 Siegen

PB-A 428
+49 271-740-4065
+49 271-740-2442


Fabrication and characterisation of Superconducting thin films for Superconducting Radio Frequency Cavities and Quantum cavities.

Research Interests

Thin film technology, Physical vapour deposition (PVD), modelling and simulation of PVD, superconductors, micro and nanotechnology, micro tribology, and thermodynamics of materials.

Academic Career

since August 2023

Research Associate at Chair of Surface and Materials Technology, Institute of Materials Engineering at the University of Siegen, Germany.

June 2023

Research Associate at Chair of Reliability and Microstructure, Institute for Applied Materials, Karlsruher Institute of Technology, Germany.

December 2021

Master of Science in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at University of Siegen, Germany.
The work was carried out at the Chair of Surface and Materials Technology, Institute of Materials Science, University of Siegen, Germany.
Title: Investigation of HiPIMS Coated Nb and NbN Thin Film-Based Multilayers for SRF Cavities.

July 2014

Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology, Mechanical Engineering (Minors), and Electronics (Minors) at the Vellore Institute of Technology, India.
The work was carried out at the chair for Nanomaterials, Vellore Institute of Technology, India.
Title: Light Emitting Diode assisted synthesis of shape and size controlled silver nanoparticles.