GAMM CSE Workshop 2023
(19.09.2023) This year, the GAMM Workshop Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), will takes place Online again.
GAMM CSE Workshop 2021
(10.01.2021) This year, the GAMM Workshop Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), takes place Online.
Junior Research Group of the CSE on the Danube
(22.07.2019) Nabada (Swabian for to bathe down) is a traditional water parade on the Danube, each one Year in Ulm in the afternoon of the so-called Schwörmontag, the penultimate Monday in July, takes place.
GAMM CSE Workshop 2019
(13.06.2019) This year, the GAMM Workshop Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), takes place at the Ulm University.
New Website!
(11.03.2019) The website of the GAMM Activity Group for Computational Sience and Engineering (CSE) is now from Stuttgart moved to Siegen and was in this course also completely redesigned.
Registration is now open for the 8th International Workshop on Parallel-in-time integration
(12.02.2019) Registration
is now open for the 8th International Workshop
on Parallel-in-time integration.
Date: 20 May to 24 May 2019
Location: Centre for Interdisciplinary
Research, Bielefeld University, Germany
Annual Meeting of the Activity Group on CSE at the GAMM Annual Conference in Vienna
(31.01.2019) Dear members of the Activity Group, We cordially invite you to the Annual Meeting at the GAMM Annual Conference in Vienna.
Press release about the GAMM CSE workshop 2018
(13.12.2018) The first press release for the GAMM CSE Workshop 2018 was published on the main page of our university.
GAMM CSE Workshop 2018
(8.11.2018) The program for the GAMM Workshop Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) here at the University of Siegen is now determined.
GAMM CSE Workshop 2018
(26.02.2018) This year, the GAMM Workshop Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), takes place here at the University of Siegen.
GAMM CSE Workshop 2017
(5.01.2017) The 2017 workshop of the GAMM activity group on CSE will take place on October 19-20 at Jülich Supercomputing Centre.
PACO 2017
(5.01.2017) The Scientific Computing Team of the Computational Methods in Systems and Control Theory group at the MPI in Magdeburg is holding the second workshop entitled "Power-Aware Computing PACO2017" at the Max Planck Society's conference site Ringberg Castle.
GAMM CSE Workshop 2016
(9.08.2016) The 2016 workshop of the GAMM activity group on Computational Science and Engineering takes place on September 8/9, 2016 at the University of Kassel.
11th International Conference "Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering
(1.08.2016) The 11th International Conference "Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering" will take place from 3 to 7 October 2016 in St. Wolfgang / Strobl (Austria).
SIAM News on Computational Science and Advanced Computing
(30.03.2016) Read more on a "New Initiative Focuses on Computational Science and Advanced Computing" article by Miriam Quintal.
GAMM-Workshop on "Computational Optimization with PDEs" (Registration deadline 7.7.2014)
(2.07.2014) Christian Meyer and Stefan Turek organize the GAMM workshop on "Computational Optimization with PDEs" at the TU Dortmund from 10.09.2014 - 12.09.2014.
Call for submissions, SPPEXA Workshop 2014
(2.07.2014) We are pleased to invite you to submit abstracts to the workshop on "Numerical Methods for High-Performance Computers", Heidelberg, December 1-3, 2014.
YRM & CSE Workshop 2014
(24.11.2013) The Lothar Collatz School for Computing in Science organizes the workshop entitled "Recent Trends and Future Developments in Computational Science and Engineering", which takes place from March 26.-28. 2014 in Plön.
SPPEXA-Workshop 2013
(2.09.2013) The SPPEXA Workshop "New Algorithms for Exascale Computing" will take place at the University of Cologne on December 4-6, 2013.
Kickoff Meeting
(30.06.2010) On 17th and 18th of September 2012 the Kickoff Meeting will take place in Munich.
Establishment of the GAMM Activity Group for CSE
(26.03.2008) Our initiative to set up a GAMM Activity Group for CSE was successful.