Veröffentlichungen des FLB
L. Stolz and X.F. Fang, " New method for lightweight design of hybrid components made of isotropic and anisotropic materials", Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 01 (2025) 68:14:
D. Bajaj, R. Mehavarnam, X.F. Fang, N.S. Ma, D.Y. Li, D.L. Chen, "Achieving superior aluminum-steel dissimilar joining vial ultrasonic spot welding: Microstructure and fracture behavior" Materials Science & Engineering A (2024):
F. Mielke, S. Anand, and X.F. Fang. "Local Reinforcement of a Fuel Cell End Plate for Package Improvements Using Steel-Aluminium Hybrid-Casting Technology". International Journal of Automotive Technology (2024):
S. Anand, F. Mielke, D. Heidrich and X.F. Fang. "Optimization, Design, and Manufacturing of New Steel-FRP Automotive Fuel Cell Medium Pressure Plate Using Compression Molding". Vehicles (2024): 850-873.
M. Bisch and X.F. Fang, "Abnormal Strain Rate-Dependent Work Hardening Behavior in Quenching and Partiioning Steel", Steel Research International, p.2300813, April 2024 DOI:
S. Löcherbach, B. Rödder, H. Xu and X.F. Fang, "Buckelschweißen im Faserverbund-Metall-Mischbau - Design des Fügeelements und Bewertung der Tragfähigkeit", 25. DVS-Sondertagung "Widerstandschweißen (2023)
1.A. Hajdarevic, S. Jayakumar, L. Stolz, and X. F. Fang, “Development of the One-Step Hybrid Forming Process to Produce an Al-GMT-Hybrid Crash Management System”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity - Current Trends in the Technology of Plasticity (2024): 194-205.
2. S. Jayakumar, S. Anand, and X. F. Fang, “Design Optimization and Validation of GMT Hat Structures”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity - Current Trends in the Technology of Plasticity (2024): 768-776.
3. B. Ahmad, S. Jayakumar, and X. F. Fang, “User-Defined Material Modelling of Woven Fabric Composites for Strain Rate Dependency and Nonlinear Shear Behaviors”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity - Current Trends in the Technology of Plasticity (2024): 521-531.
4. C. Zeng, M.-M. Bisch, and X. F. Fang, “A Rate-Dependent Damage Mechanics Model on Plasticity and Ductile Fracture Prediction of Automotive Steel Sheets”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity - Current Trends in the Technology of Plasticity (2024): 139-150.
M.-M. Bisch, C. Zeng, R. Juan, J. Lian and X. F. Fang, 1.“Rate-Dependent Hardening Behavior and TRIP Effect in Quenching and Partitioning Steels for Application in Crash Energy-Absorbing Structures”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity - Current Trends in the Technology of Plasticity (2024): 544-555.
D. Li and X.F. Fang,"Lightweight conccept design of an economical Multi-Material Vehicle Door with Fiber-Reinforced Plastics", Internationla Journal of Automotive Technology 24 (2023): 719-737.
C. Zeng and X.F. Fang, "Specimen geometry design for plasticity and fracture characterization of sheet metal under high testing speed and various stress states", Thin walled Structures (2023): 110688.
S. Jayakumar, A. Hajdarevic, S. Anand and X. F. Fang. "Experimental and FE Analyses of the crushing and bending behaviours of GMT and hybrid-formed Al-GMT Structures", Thin walled Structures (2023): 110648.
H. Xu and X.F. Fang, "Resistance insert spot welding: a new joining method ofr thermoplastic FRP-Steel component" Welding in the World (2023): 1878-6669.
M.-M. Bisch, C. Zeng, A. Reichmann, X.F. Fang, "Methoden zur Durchführung von Zugversuchen unter konstanten lokalen Dehnraten im Bereich niedriger bis hoher Prüfgeschwindigkeiten", Werkstoffprüfung 2022, DGM - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e. V., Dresden, (2022)
C. Zeng, X.F. Fang, "Design der Probengeometrie und Charakterisierung der dynamischen Materialeigenschaften unter multiaxiale Belastungen", Werkstoffprüfung (2022). DGM - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e. V., Dresden, 2022
J. Olschewski, T. Nießing, and X. F. Fang, "Objective and Subjective full-vehicle evaluation of the Multi-Link torsion Axle (MLTA)-A space optimizing rear suspension for BEVs" Sustainable Mobility (2022), Aachen, Germany
D. Li, X.F. Fang, Lightweight design approach of an LFT-metal multi-material vehicle door concept, Automotive and Engine Technology (Oct. 2022),
L. Stolz, H. Xu, X.F. Fang, Lightweigh, package and performance improvements of a shock tower by using steel-aluminium hybrid-casting technique. Automotive and Engine Technology, June 2022, 2365-5135
S. Martin, D. Sulik, X.F. Fang, H. Becker A. Leineweber. Steel-Aluminum Hybrid Die Casting: Microstructures related to the applied Al-Si bond coating. Intermetallics, 107712 (2022), 151
S. Jayakumar, L. Stolz, S. Anand, A. Hajdarevic, X.F. Fang. FE Crash Modeling of Aluminum-FRP Hybrid Components Manufactured by a Hybrid Forming Process. Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 926 (2022), 2050-2059.
X.F. Fang, "A New Sample for Oscillation-Free Force Measurement at High Strain Rates and Its Physical Principles" The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. 773-783.
S. Jayakumar, L. Stolz, S. Anand, A. Hajdarevic, X.F. Fang, Numerical Modelling for Progressive Crushing of Composite and Hybrid Metal - Composite Structures. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. 757-771.
B. Ahmad, X.F. Fang: Strain rate-dependent crash simulation of woven glass fabric thermoplastic composites, journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Feb. 2022, Vol. 0(0) 1-22
T. Niessing, X.F. Fang: Kinematic analysis and optimisation of a novel multi-link torsion axle, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 165 (2021) 104432, November 2021,
T. Niessing, J. Olschewski, X.F. Fang: Development process of the Multi-Link Torsion Axle (MLTA) - A space-optimising suspension for BEVs - plus 2021, Juni 2021,
D.Li, X.F. Fang: Lightweight Design of an Economical FRTP-Metal Multi-Material Vehicle Door Concept, WKM-Symposium 2021, Stuttgart, 16.Juni 2021
T. Niessing, J. Olschewski, X.F. Fang: Multi-Link Torsion Axle (MLTA) - A New Rear Axle Concept for Battery Electric Vehicles - SAE Technical paper 2021-01-0929, 2021 doi:10.4271/2021-01-0929
D. Li, F. Zhang, J. Lan, P.J. Klass, X.F. Fang: A Component development method for vehicle body structure based on limited vehicle data, International Journal of Crashworthiness,
D. Heidrich, F. Zhang & X.F. Fang: Fatigue Strength of Rivet Resistance Spot Welding technique in comparison to Self-Piercing Riveting for multi-material body-in-white structure, Journals of Material Engineering and Performance,
T. Kloska & X.F. Fang: Lightweight Chassis Components – The Development of a Hybrid Automotive Control Arm from Design to Manufacture, International Journal of Automotive Technology, Vol. 22, No. 5, 2021
X. F. Fang: A one-dimensional stress wave model for analytical design and optimization of oscillation-free force measurement in high-speed tensile test specimens, International Journal of Impact Engineering 149 (2021), 103770,
Dissertation - T. Schlichting: Charakterisierung der Einflüsse unterschiedlicher Querlenker-Bauweisen auf das Fahr-verhalten eines PKW, Siegen, Dezember 2020
M. Schüler, D. Heidrich, T. Herring, X.F. Fang, T. Bergs: Automotive hybrid design production and effective end machining by novel abrasive waterjet technique, International Academy for Production Engineering
B. Ahmad & X.F. Fang: Modelling Shear behaviour of Woven Fabric Thermoplastic Composites for Crash Simulations, Applied Composite Materials 2020 27, p739-765,
F. Zhang, H. Xu, & X.F. Fang: Failure behaviour and Crash modelling of Resistance Rivet Spot Welding for joining Al and Steel in Vehicle Structure, International Journal of Crash Worthness 2020,
Dissertation - Fan Zhang Entwicklung eines neuen Widerstandnietschweißverfahren zur flexiblen und wirschaftlichen Fertigung der Karosserie in der Al-Stahl-Mischbauweise, Siegen, 17. August 2020
W. Liu, J. Lian, S. Müstermann, C. Zeng, & X. F. Fang: Prediction of crack formation in the progressive folding of square tubes during dynamic axial crushing - International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Juni 2020
D. Heidrich, T. Kloska & X.F. Fang: Hybrid Forming - A Novel Manufacturing Technique for Metal-LFT Structural Parts - SAE Technical Paper 2020-01-0235, 2020, doi:10.4271/2020-01-0235
J. Olschewski, X.F. Fang & K. Tan: "FastCon" - A Tool for Concept Design and Optimization of twist beam axles - SAE Technical paper 2020-01-0920, Januar 2020 doi:10.4271/2020-01-0920
Dissertation - Tobias Kloska: Leichtbaupotenziale im Fahrwerk - Multi-Material-Design durch simultane Umformung von Metallblechen und langfaserverstärkten Thermoplasten (LFT), Siegen, 2. Dezember 2019
X. F. Fang, Fan Zhang: Hybridjoining of a modular multi-material body-in-white structure - Journal of Material Processing Tech. 275(2020) 116351, 28th Juli 2019
D. Heidrich, X.F. Fang: Design of Automotive Structural Metal GFRP Hybrid Parts using the novel Manufacturing Technique hybrid Forming - NAFEMS World Congress 17-20th Juni 2019 in Quebec city
X.F. Fang, D. Heidrich, T. Kloska „Plastic forms metal“, Kunststoffe international, 1-2/2019, p. 50-53
R. Grams and X.F. Fang, „ New developments in material testing at very high strain rates”, 12th European LS-DYNA Conference 2019, Koblenz, Germany
X.F. Fang, T. Kloska und D. Heidrich, „Hybridpressen - simultane Umformung von höherfes-ten Metallblechen mit langfaserverstärkten Thermo-plasten für hybride Bauteile“, 39. EFB-Kolloquium Blechverarbeitung, Bad Soll, 2019
X.F. Fang, K. Tan and J. Olschewski, „Method for concept design and optimization of twist beam axles”, 19th Stuttgart International Symposium – Automotive and Engine Technology, März, 2019
D. Heidrich and X.F. Fang, “Betriebsfestigkeit durch „Hybridpressen“ hergestellter Hybrid-Bauteile aus Metallblechen und Langfaser-Thermoplasten (LFT)“, 9. Landshuter Leichtbau-Colloquium, Februar 2019
X.F. Fang, Tobias Kloska: Hybrid Forming of Sheet Metals with long fibre reinforced thermoplastics (LFT) by a combined deepdrawing and compression molding process - The International Journal of Material Forming, 16 January 2019
X.F. Fang and R. Grams, “A new method for determination of plastic deformation at high strain rate”, International Conference on Plasticity, Damage and Fracture, Panama City, Jan. 2019
X.F. Fang and K. Tan , "Analytical modelling of twist beam axles" Int. J. Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing", Vol. 13, 2018, p1-25, DOI:
K. Tan and X.F. Fang: “Automatic concept design and optimization of twist beam axles”, Automotive and Engine Technology, Vol. 3, 2018, 141-158, DOI:
X.F. Fang, J. Gundlach, J. Schipperges and X. Jiang, “ On the Steel–Aluminum Hybrid Casting by Sand Casting”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 27(12), 2018, p. 6415-6425,
J. Olschewski, K. Tan and X.F. Fang, “FastCon – ein Algorithmus zur analytischen Vorauslegung und Op-timierung von Verbundlenkerachsen“, Siegener Leichtbaukolloquium, Oct. 2018
L. Stolz, M. Grote and X.F. Fang, „Werkstoffauswahl und -auslegung in Karosseriestrukturen durch Analyse des Belastungszustandes“, Siegener Leichtbaukolloquium, Oct. 2018
R. Grams and X.F. Fang, „Hochgeschwindigkeitsmaterialuntersuchung für die Crashberechnung am FLB“, Siegener Leichtbaukolloquium, Oct. 2018
H. Xu, F. Zhang and X.F. Fang, „Modellierung des Widerstandsnietschweißens für Crash-Belastungen“, Siegener Leichtbaukolloquium, Oct. 2018
B. Ahmad and X.F. Fang, „Diskrepanzen in Materialmodellen für gewebte Verbundwerkstoffe in der Crashsimulation“, Siegener Leichtbaukolloquium, Oct. 2018
T. Kloska, D. Heidrich and X.F. Fang, “MultiForm: Ein innovatives Fertigungsverfahren für Hybridbauteile durch simultane Umformung von Langfaser-Thermoplasten (LFT) und Metallblechen“, Siegener Leichtbaukolloquium, Oct. 2018
T.Kloska, D. Heidrich, X.F. Fang: "Hybridforming" a Novel and Combined Deep Drawing and Compression Molding Process for Hybrid Parts, WKM Symposium Darmstadt, Juli 2018
F. Zhang, X.F. Fang and H. Xu, "A New Joining Method for Flexible Production of Modular Body-in-white (BIW) Structures in Al-steel Hybrid Design and Its Fem-modeling”, ICAA 17 Montreal, June, 2018
X.F. Fang, “Forschung zur Verbundgusstechnik für den Fahrzeugleichtbau an der Universität Siegen“, Gießerei,06/ 2018, p.18-23
B. Ahmad and X.F. Fang, “Size effect in crashworthiness simulation of woven fabric thermoplastics”, Composite Materials Congress, Sweden, June 2018, DOI: 10.5185/cmc18.2018
X.F. Fang, M. Grote, T. Kloska & D. Heidrich, "Composite Material Selection, Design and Manufacturing for Automotive Structural Parts”, Composite Materials Congress, Sweden, June 2018, DOI: 10.5185/cmc18.2018
X.F. Fang and T. Kloska, “Hybrid forming - a combined deep drawing and compression molding process for forming metal sheets with thermoplastics (LFT) to hybrid parts”, Hybrid Materials and Structures, Bremen, April, 2018
Dissertation - M.Grote: Entwicklung einer Methode zur anforderungsgerechten Werkstoffauswahl und Strukturauslegung von PKW-Karosserien im Multi-Material-Design, Siegen, 26. April 2018
Dissertation - K.Tan: Effiziente Auslegungs- und Optimierungsmethode für den Konzeptentwurf von Verbundlenkerachsen, Siegen, 17. November 2017
K.Tan, X.F. Fang: Efficient method for the concept design and optimization of twist beam axles, WKM Symposium, Braunschweig, 20. Juni 2017
X.F. Fang & T. Kloska: "Hybridforming" - a Combined Deep Drawing and Compression Molding Process for Forming Metal Sheets with Thermoplastics (LFT) to Hybrid parts, Automotive Engineering Congress, Nürnberg, Mai 2017
X.F. Fang, M. Grote: Development of a new method for the identification and engineering design of endless fiber reinforced composites, International Journal of Automotive Technology, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 861−873 (2017)
M. Grote, X. F. Fang: A new method for the engineering and design of endless fiber reinforced components, NAFEMS World Congress 2017, Stockholm (Schweden), 14. Juni 2017
Fang, X.F.: Konzeption und Fertigung einer Leichtbaukarosserie mit Multimaterialsystem, Automotive-Innovationsforum 2016 "Effizienzstrategien in der Automobilindustrie" - Industrie- und Handelskammer NRW, Düsseldorf, 07. September 2016
Fang, X.F.; Grote, M. (V): Methodische Vorgehensweise bei der Entwicklung von hybriden Fahrzeugstrukturen am Beispiel eines Vorderwagenkonzeptes aus GFK und Metall, Euro Hybrid Materials and Structures 2016, Kaiserslautern, 20. April 2016
Grote, M., Fang, X.F.; Vorderwagenkonzept in einer Stahl-GFK-Mischbauweise, ATZ - Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift Bd. 117 (2015) Nr. 11, S. 62-66, Springer-Vieweg, Wiesbaden 2015
Fang, X.F., Zhang, F., Klaas, P.; Developing a method for component design in vehicle body structure without availability of the complete vehicle data, NAFEMS World Congress 2015, San Diego (USA), 24. Juni 2015
Fang, X.F., Grote, M; Development of a material model for organic sheets for the simulation of FRP-components in full vehicle crash, NAFEMS World Congress 2015, San Diego (USA), 23. Juni 2015
Fang, X.F., Gundlach, J., Azim, E.; Hybridgießen von Aluminium und Stahl zur Herstellung von Verbindungsknoten für eine Mischbaukarosserie, 7. Landshuter Leichtbau-Colloquium, Landshut, 25. Februar 2015
Fang, X.F., Schlichting, T., Sahan, S.; Gewichtsoptimierte Auslegung von Gewindetuben, Konstruktion 04/2015, S. 63-68, Springer-VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf 2015
Fang, X.F., Tan, K.; Effiziente Konzeptauslegung von Verbundlenker-Hinterachsen, ATZ - Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift Bd. 117 (2015) Nr. 1, S. 42-46, Springer-Vieweg, Wiesbaden 2015
Li, J., Fang, X.F., Stress wave analysis of a servo-hydraulic tensile machine and optical force measurement at strain rates up to 1000 /s, 16th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Cambridge, UK, 08. Juli 2014
Fang, X.F., Li, J., Kurtenbach, S.; Kostengünstige Karosseriestruktur für ein E-Fahrzeug, ATZ - Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift Bd. 116 (2014) Nr. 5, S. 20-27, Springer-Vieweg, Wiesbaden 2014
Li, J., Fang, X.F., Stress Wave Analysis and Optical Force Measurement of Servo-Hydraulic Machine for High Strain Rate Testing, Experimental Mechanics Bd. 54 (8) S. 1497–1501, Springer US 2014
Fang, X.F., Li, J., Numerical Stress Wave Analysis in LS-DYNA and Force Measurement at Strain Rates up to 1000 /s of a High Speed Tensile Machine, LS-DYNA Forum, Bamberg, Germany , 6 - 8. Oktober 2014
Kurtenbach, S., Fang, X.F., Schlichting, T., Breidenbach, A., Dalhoff, H., Töller, M.; Architecture and Manufacturing process of a low cost light weight flexible body structure for a full electric vehicle, Automotive Engineering Congress 2013, Nürnberg, 4. Juni 2013
Fang, X.F., Kurtenbach, S., Li, J.; Entwicklung einer anforderungsgerechten und kostengünstigen Karosserie für ein Elektro-Fahrzeug im Purpose-Design, DVM-Tag 2013, Berlin, 25. April 2013
Schlichting, T., Li, J., Fang, X.F.; Entwicklung einer kostengünstigen, leichten und sicheren Karosseriestruktur für ein Elektrofahrzeug, Siegener Kolloquium "Leichtbau in Karosserie- und Fahrwerksstrukturen", Lehrstuhl für Fahrzeugtechnik, Universität Siegen, 15. Oktober 2013
Zhang, F., Klaas, P., Fang, X.F.; Entwicklung einer Methode zur Komponentenauslegung im Fahrzeugbau ohne Verfügbarkeit der Gesamtfahrzeugdaten, Siegener Kolloquium "Leichtbau in Karosserie- und Fahrwerksstrukturen", Lehrstuhl für Fahrzeugtechnik, Universität Siegen, 15. Oktober 2013
Tan, K., Fang, X.F.; Analytische Auslegungs- und Optimierungsmethode für einen effizienten Konzeptentwurf von Verbundlenkerachsen, Siegener Kolloquium "Leichtbau in Karosserie- und Fahrwerksstrukturen", Lehrstuhl für Fahrzeugtechnik, Universität Siegen, 15. Oktober 2013
Fang, X.F., Engel, B., Schlichting, T., Soemer, S.; Gewichtsoptimierung mehrstufig umgeformter Bauteile, Lightweight Design 06/2012, S.39-44, Springer Automotive Media, Wiesbaden 2012