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2020: IUTAM Symposium Computational Fracture Mechanics in Multifield Problems



Update (Nov 8):

For a refund of your paid fees please contact us at
iutam(at)uni-siegen.de or annika.Ippach(at)uni-siegen.de


Update (Oct 28):

Dear All,

on October 28 the federal German government has enacted a new lockdown
and tightened restrictions pertaining to travel and meetings. In view of
these developments, we must conclude at this time that the symposium is
no longer viable and, with deep regret, we are forced to call it off. We
are grateful to all of you who have steadfastly supported the symposium
despite these difficult times.

In the name of the organizing committee,
Kerstin Weinberg, Anna Pandolfi, Michael Ortiz



November 2-6, 2020 at Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany

Tentative schedule:

  Tuesday (3.11)
Wednesday (4.11)
Thursday (5.11)
 9:10    Stainier  Hütter
   Fraternali  Dondl
 11:00    Wattrisse  Diehl
 11:40  Opening  Pandolfi  Lewintan
 12:20  Ortiz  Keip  Reese
 14:30  Martinez-Paneda  Kozinov & Kuna  
 15:10  Lancioni  Ricoeur  
 15:50  Blesgen  Mosler  
 17:00  Balzani  Weinberg  
 17:40  Rodriguez-Martinez  Wieners  
 18:20    Thomas  

A detailed schedule is here: pdf


About Corona:

If you come from a risk-areas country (1), you must present a medical certificate, which must not be older than 48 hours. The 48-hour period begins at the time the test result is approved and ends at the time of entry into the Federal Republic of Germany.

In the current regulation of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia - the location oft he Physikzentrum - there is no regulation for travelers from no-risk-areas countries or inner-German risk areas.

The hygiene concept of the Physikzentrum has been practiced since July and has proven itself. The short version: compulsory masks everywhere except in the lecture hall and at the dining table. For more details see the file attached. All participants are accommodated in single rooms, unless a double room is explicitly requested.

(1) Risk areas: Link


How to get there?

The venue is the Physikzentrum (Physics center) in Bad Honnef, near to Bonn: Link

  • The best way to come is from Bonn Main Station or Bonn/Siegburg by tram 66. It takes half an hour from Bonn Main station or one hour from Siegburg till the last but one stop "Am Spitzenbach". The journey goes through Bonn and then along the Rhine. A 200m walk through the park brings you to the Physikzentrum.

By train:

  • go to Bonn Main Station, change here in the tram 66 (Telekom line) and go to the stop "Am Spitzenbach".

  • go to Siegburg (ICE), change here in the tram 66 (Telekom line) and go to the stop "Am Spitzenbach".

By plane to Cologne-Bonn Airport:

  • by train in direction Koblenz to Rhöndorf. It goes hourly and takes half an hour. A 500m walk brings you to the Physikzentrum.

  • alternatively: by train to Bonn Main station and the see above

By plane to Frankfurt Airport:

  • by train (ICE) to Siegburg, change here in the tram 66 (Telekom line) and go to the stop "Am Spitzenbach".

By car:

  • Hauptstraße 5, 53604 Bad Honnef; GPS coordinates: 50° 39′ 5,5″ N, 7° 13′ 10,3″ O

How to sign up?

  • In addition to a conference room, the Physics Center Bad Honnef offers an infrastructure for up to 80 guests, that means for all our participants accommodation and meals are included.

  • We do not charge a conference fee but the lodging has to be paid in advance. You will get an Email about details in August.

Some more details:

  • The symposium room in the conference venue will be equipped with a Computer (Windows;VGA), LCD projector, laser pointer and microphone.

  • Poster size should be A0 (portrait, i.e., 84x119cm) or any other format with at most 90cm width.

Scientific Topics:

Topic of the IUTAM symposium is the computational prediction of damage, crack growth, and the extent of fragmentation in solids.

Recently, research in computational fracture mechanics has advanced remarkably, typically using cohesive zone models and extended finite elements. Beyond these well established and popular methods, several innovative approaches have emerged, such as phase field methods, eigenfracture, eigenerosion, and level-set methods. These approaches are characterized by a regularization of the evolving crack boundaries with an additional small but finite length scale. This length scale arouses new questions and doubts, in particular concerning multi-physic problems.

The aim of the IUTAM symposium is to draw a comparative overview of different computational strategies for multi-field fracture problems by illustrating the most innovative -non necessarily the nowadays most popular- techniques. We would like to open a forum to discuss new horizons of multi-field fracture mechanics covering several aspects of research on computational fracture, starting from specific methods of choice and numerical strategies to theoretical aspects of constitutive modeling in a multi-field setting. Particular emphasis will be laid on pioneering discretization methods for the solution of coupled non-linear problems at different length-scales.

The participation at the IUTAM Symposia is by invitation from the Scientific committee only. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at: iutam@uni-siegen.de


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