M.Sc. Ajinkya Gote
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Anschrift |
M.Sc. Ajinkya Gote
Büro | Paul-Bonatz-Straße 9-11
PB-A 204 |
Telefon | +49 (0)271 740-4631 | |||
Sprechstunden |
Dienstags 10:30 - 12:00Uhr |
- Computational Mechanics
- TM für ETI
- Fachlabor FEM
Submitted for publication:
- Eidel B., Fischer A., Gote A. (2019)
- A nonlinear finite element heterogeneous multiscale method for the homogenization of hyperelastic solids and a novel staggered two-scale solution algorithm. PDF
- Eidel B., Fischer A., Gote A. (2019)
- Gote, A., Fischer, A., Zhang C., Eidel, B. (2021) : Computational Homogenization of Concrete in the Cyber Size-Resolution-Discretization (SRD) Parameter Space. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, accepted for publication.
- Eidel, B., Fischer, A., Gote, A. (2020) : From image data towards microstructure information -- accuracy analysis at the digital core of materials, ZAMM-Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. PDF, DOI
- Eidel B., Gote A., Fritzen C.-P. Ohrndorf, A. and Christ H.-J. (2020) : Tibial implant fixation in TKA worth a revision? -How to avoid stress-shielding even for stiff metallic implants. (Accepted for publication in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering)PDF
- Eidel B., Gote A., Ruby M., Holzer L., Keller L., Jiang X. (2019) : Estimating the effective elasticity properties of a diamond-SiC composite thin film by 3D reconstruction and numerical homogenization, Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 97, pp. 107406.PDF
- Eidel, B., Gote A., Ohrndorf, A., Christ H.-J. (2018) : How can a short stem hip implant preserve the natural, pre-surgery force flow? A finite element analysis on a collar cortex compression concept CO^4, Medical Engineering & Physics, Vol. 58, Issue 8, pp 1-12.PDF, DOI