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Software developed by our Work Group


This object-oriented Matlab toolbox covers two algorithms for building local model networks (also called Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems) from data:

  1. LOLIMOT  (LOcal LInear MOdel tree)
  2. HILOMOT  (HIerarchical LOcal MOdel Tree)

For more information and m-file download refer to the LMNTool-Webpage

Function Generator

The polynomial-based function generator is ment to imitate regression problems. It should be a helpful tool during the development of algorithms for experimental modeling and adjacent topics. An arbitrary amount of synthetic examples can be generated with no effort. In contrast to available benchmark data sets, important properties of the synthetic examples can arbitrarily be defined by the user, like the amount of data, the dimensionality (number of inputs), the strength of the nonlinearity, the data distribution and the noise level.

Download function generator (Matlab class) here!

If you want to publish your results generated with this function generator, please acknowledge our work by citing the following article:

Julian Belz, Oliver Nelles: "Proposal for a Function Generator and Extrapolation Analysis“, Innovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications (INISTA), 2015 International Symposium on, pp. 282-287, Madrid, September 2015.

EDLS - Extended Deterministic Local Search for Latin Hypercube Design

EDLS generates an optimal Latin Hypercube design with respect to the intended distance criterion. Therefore it swaps design points to maximize the distance between the design points. Execute EDLS without parameters to run a demo (Latin Hypercube with 25 samples and 2 inputs with visualization).

Download EDLS Matlab function here!

If you want to publish your results generated with EDLS, please acknowledge our work by citing the following article:

Tobias Ebert, Torsten Fischer, Julian Belz, Tim Oliver Heinz, Geritt Kampmann, Oliver Nelles: "Extended Deterministic Local Search Algorithm for Maximin Latin Hypercube Designs“, IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Cape Town, South Africa, December 2015