Dipl.-Ing. Marlon Franke
University of Siegen
Chair of Computational Mechanics Paul-Bonatz-Straße 9-11 D-57076 Siegen Office: PB-A 210 Office hours: On appointment Phone.: +49 (271) 740-2101 Fax: +49 (271) 740-2436 E-mail: marlon.franke@uni-siegen.de Certificate: x.509 |
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- Structure preserving integrators for non-linear structural dynamics
- Computational contact mechanics
- Technische Mechanik 3 / Dynamik (Übung WS 09/10, WS 10/11)
- Technische Mechanik 4 / Höhere Technische Mechanik (Übung SS 09, SS 10)
- Numerische Methoden 1 / Einführung in Numerische Methoden (Übung WS 10/11)
- Numerische Methoden 2 / Numerische Methoden (Übung SS 11)
- Numerische Methoden der Dynamik starrer Körper (Übung SS 10)
- Numerische Methoden der Dynamik deformierbarer Körper (Übung SS 10)
- Finite-Elemente-Methoden 1 (Übung WS 11/12)
- Finite-Elemente-Methoden 2 (Übung SS 12)
- Fachlabor Finite-Elemente-Methoden (WS 12/13)
Supervised thesis/projects (SA, DA, BA, MA, PEP):
- Heinz, Tim Oliver; Klinke, Niklas: Modellierung und Visualisierung einer Laufkatze (PEP)
- Erdmann, Thomas: Simulation starrer und flexibler Mehrkörpersysteme mit MSC.ADAMS und verschiedenen mechanischen Integratoren (SA)
- Becker, Christian: Integratoren für die Dynamik starrer Körper (SA)
- Becker, Christian: Numerischer Vergleich von Integratoren anhand des Mehrkörpersystems eines Satelliten (SA)
- Strack, Johannes; Schmidt, Christoph; Arzer, Eugen; Ruech, Carsten: Numerische Verfahren am Beispiel eines Stabwerksystems (PEP)
- Dasbach, Philipp: Modellierung, Simulation und Optimierung einer menschlichen Bewegung mit der MKS-Software MSC.ADAMS (BA)
- Schulz, Florian: Simulation eines Kontaktvorgangs mit Hilfe der FEM-Software ABAQUS und LS-DYNA (SA)
- Becker, Christian: Verwendung einer gemischt redundanten Formulierung zur Modellierung und Simulation von Mehrkörpersystemen (DA)
- Heinz, Tim Oliver: Aufbau und Untersuchung eines schwingungsfähigen Walzensystems (BA)
P. Betsch, S. Uhlar, N. Sänger, R. Siebert, M. Franke: Benefits of a rotationless rigid body formulation to computational flexible multibody dynamics, In Proceedings of the 1st ESA Workshop on Multibody Dynamics for Space Applications, 185-188, 2010
M. Franke, P. Betsch, C. Hesch: Structure preserving integrators for non-linear structural dynamics, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM), volume 10, 153-154, 2010, DOI
O. Bänfer, M. Franke, O. Nelles: Adaptive Local Model Networks with Higher Degree Polynomials, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 168-171, 2010
M. Franke, C. Hesch, P. Betsch: Energy-momentum consistent integration of frictional multibody contact problems, Proccedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, Brussels, 4-7.07.2011, PDF
M. Franke, C. Hesch, P. Betsch: Consistent time integration for transient three-dimensional contact using the NTS-method, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM), volume 11, 209-210, 2011, DOI
M. Franke, C. Hesch, P. Betsch: An energy-momentum scheme for frictional contact in flexible multibody dynamics, IMSD, Stuttgart, 29.05.-01.06.2012, PDF
Becker, C., Betsch, P., Franke, M., and Siebert, R.: Hybrid coordinate approach for the modelling and simulation of multibody systems, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM), submitted
M. Franke, C. Hesch, and P. Betsch: An augmentation technique for large deformation frictional contact problems, Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 2013, DOI
- Structure preserving integrators for non-linear structural dynamics, GAMM Annual Meeting, Karlsruhe, 2010
- Consistent time integration for transient three-dimensional contact using the NTS-method, GAMM Annual Meeting, Graz, 2011
- Energy momentum scheme for three-dimensional large deformation contact using the NTS-method, 2nd International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics (ICCCM), Hannover, 2011
- Energy-momentum consistent integration of frictional multibody contact problems, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, Multibody Dynamics, Brussels, 2011
- On a comparison of integration schemes for frictional contact problems, Euromech 514: New trends in Contact Mechanics, Cargese - Corsica, 2012
- An energy-momentum scheme for frictional contact in flexible multibody dynamics, The Second Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics - IMSD, Stuttgart, 2012
Participated workshops and trainings:
- 1st ESA Workshop on Multibody Dynamics for Space Applications, Noordwijk, 2010
- Training Parallel computing with Matlab, Munich (Ismaning), 2011
- Workshop Multiscale Material Modeling, Bad Herrenalb, 2012