- Spannungs- und Kräfteanalyse an einem modularen
Bahn - Auswertung von bruchmechanischen Versuchen
an Radsatzwellen zum Rissschließverhalten im Hinblick
Eigenspannungen -
- Strukturmechanische Simulation und Optimierung einer
E-Maschine für den vollelektrischen Antrieb
Magna Steyr - Virtuelle Methode zur thermischen
Optimierung von Bremsenkomponenten
TECBERG - Analyse der Beladevorgänge von
Schüttgütern in der Schachtfördertechnik im Bergbau
inkl. Ermittlung des Verschleißverhaltens an kritischen
Stellen im Fördergefäß (Skip) und Beladeanlage
TECBERG - Analysis of the temperature development
within a brake disk -
W. Pilling -
Thermal and mechanical analysis of a galvanizing pot -
Technische Universität München
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
RWTH Aachen
Leibnitz Universität Hannover
Universität Stuttgart
Universität Ulm
Universität der Bundeswehr München
Swansea University, Wales, Vereinigtes
Bilkent University, Ankara, Türkei
Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano,
Großskalige Simulation von pneumatischem und
hydraulischem Bruch mittels Phasenfeldmethode (HE
5943/5): Schwerpunktprogramm "Zuverlässige
Simulationstechniken in der Festkörpermechanik -
Entwicklung nichtkonventioneller
Diskretisierungsverfahren, mechanische und
mathematische Analyse" -
Methods and algorithms for contact analysis (HE
5943/6) -
Numerical and experimental analysis of diffusion
induced aging in engineering solid mixture components
(WE 2525/4) -
Structure preserving contact formulations of
thermomechanical systems (HE 5943/3) -
Energy consistent discretization of transient
frictional contact problems (HE 5943/1) -
Anisotropic friction and adhesion at large strains
(PAK 440) -
DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds (Österreich)
GACR - Czech Science Foundation
Journal of Computational Physics
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical
Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science
Proceedings of The Royal Society A
Journal of Adhesion
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
International Journal for Numerical Methods in
International Journal of Solids and Structures
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Computational Mechanics
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design
Acta Mechanica
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
Journal of Numerical Analysis
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
S. Schuß: Cn-continuous mortar method for
Isogeometric Analysis, OPUS Siegen,
2024, DOI
J. Schulte: Multi-field modeling and
simulation of fiber reinforced polymers,
KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe, 2021,
M. Dittmann: Isogeometric analysis and
hierarchical refinement for multi-field contact
problems, KIT Scientific Publishing,
Karlsruhe, 2017, DOI
M. Franke: Discretisation techniques for
large deformation computational contact
elastodynamics, KIT Scientific Publishing,
Karlsruhe, 2014, DOI
C. Hesch, F. Schmidt and S. Schuß:
Variational formulation and monolithic solution
of computational homogenization methods,
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng., 125(20):e7567,
2024, DOI,
F. Schmidt, S. Schuß and C. Hesch:
Computational homogenization of phase-field
fracture, Int. J. Numer. Meth.
Engng., submitted, 2024, arXiv.org
C. Hesch, S. Glas and S. Schuß: Space-time
rigid multi body dynamics, Multibody
System Dynamics, 61:415–434, 2023,
S. Schuß, S. Glas and C. Hesch: Non-linear
space-time elasticity, Int. J. Numer.
Meth. Engng., 124:1965-1990, 2023, DOI
C. Hesch, U. Khristenko, R. Krause, A. Popp, A.
Seitz, W. Wall and B. Wohlmuth: Frontiers in
Mortar Methods for Isogeometric Analysis,
J. Schröder and P. Wriggers (eds.), Non-standard
Discretisation Methods in Solid Mechanics, Lecture
Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics 98,
2022, arXiv.org,
F. Schmidt, M. Krüger and C. Hesch:
Numerical homogenization of gradient
materials, in Theoretical Analysis,
Computations and Experiments of Multiscale Materials,
Springer Book series: Advanced Structured
Materials, 175:487–503, 2022
F. Schmidt, M. Krüger, M.-A. Keip and C. Hesch:
Computational Homogenization of higher-order
continua, Int. J. Numer. Meth.
Engng., 123:2499-2529, 2022, arXiv.org,
S. Schuß and C. Hesch:
Contact Formulation for Second Gradient
Materials, Current Trends and Open
Problems in Computational Mechanics,
Springer-Verlag, 2499-2529, 2021, Springer
U. Khristenko, S. Schuß, M. Krüger, F. Schmidt, B.
Wohlmuth and C. Hesch: Multidimensional
coupling: A variationally consistent approach to
fiber-reinforced material, Comput. Methods
Appl. Mech. Engrg., 382:113869, 2021, arXiv.org,
M. Dittmann, J. Schulte, F. Schmidt and C. Hesch:
A strain-gradient formulation for fiber
reinforced polymers: Hybrid phase-field model for
porous-ductile fracture, Computational
Mechanics, 67:1747–1768, 2021, arXiv.org,
M. Dittmann, F. Aldakheel, J. Schulte, F. Schmidt,
M. Krüger, P. Wriggers and C. Hesch:
Phase-field modeling of porous-ductile fracture
in non-linear thermo-elasto-plastic solids,
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.,
361:112730, 2020, DOI
J. Schulte, M. Dittmann, S.R. Eugster, S. Hesch, T.
Reinicke, F.dell'Isola and C. Hesch:
Isogeometric analysis of fiber reinforced
composites using Kirchhoff-Love shell
elements, Comput. Methods Appl.
Engrg., 362:112845, 2020, DOI
M. Dittmann, S. Schuß, B. Wohlmuth and C. Hesch:
Crosspoint modification for multi-patch
isogeometric analysis, Comput. Methods
Appl. Engrg., 360:112768, 2020, DOI
M. Krüger, M. Dittmann, F. Aldakheel, A. Härtel, P.
Wriggers and C. Hesch: Porous-ductile fracture
in thermo-elasto-plastic solids with contact
applications, Computational
Mechanics, 65:941–966, 2020, DOI
F. dell'Isola et al.: Advances in
Pantographic Structures: Design, Manufacturing, Models,
Experiments and Imagery Analyses,
Continuum Mech. Thermodyn., 31:1231-1282,
2019, DOI
M. Dittmann, S. Schuß, B. Wohlmuth and C. Hesch:
Weak Cn coupling for multi-patch
isogeometric analysis in solid mechanics,
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng., 118:678-699,
2019, DOI
S. Schuß, M. Dittmann, B. Wohlmuth, S. Klinkel and
C. Hesch: Multi-patch isogeometric analysis for
Kirchhoff-Love shell elements, Comput.
Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 349:91-116, 2019,
M. Dittmann, M. Krüger, F. Schmidt, S. Schuß and C.
Hesch: Variational modeling of thermomechanical
fracture and anisotropic frictional mortar contact
problems with adhesion, Computational
Mechanics, 63(3):571-591, 2019, DOI,
M. Dittmann, F. Aldakheel, J. Schulte, P. Wriggers
and C. Hesch: Variational Phase-Field
Formulation of Non-Linear Ductile Fracture,
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.,342:71-94,
2018, DOI
S. Schuß, K. Weinberg and C. Hesch:
Thermomigration in SnPb solders: Material
model, Mechanics of Materials,
121:31-49, 2018, DOI
P. Betsch, A. Janz and C. Hesch: A mixed
variational framework for the design of energy-momentum
schemes inspired by the structure of polyconvex stored
energy functions, Comput. Methods Appl.
Mech. Engrg., 335:660-696, 2018, DOI
C. Hesch, S. Schuß, M. Dittmann, S.R. Eugster, M.
Favino and R. Krause: Variational Space-Time
Elements for Large-Scale Systems, Comput.
Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 326:541-572, 2017,
C. Hesch, A.J. Gil, R. Ortigosa, M. Dittmann, C.
Bilgen, P. Betsch, M. Franke, A. Janz and K. Weinberg:
A framework for polyconvex large strain
phase-field methods to fracture, Comput.
Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 317:649-683, 2017,
K. Weinberg and C. Hesch: A high-order
finite-deformation phase-field approach to
fracture, Continuum Mech. Thermodyn.,
29:935-945, 2017, DOI
C. Hesch, S. Schuß, M. Dittmann, M. Franke and K.
Weinberg: Isogeometric analysis and
hierarchical refinement for higher-order phase-field
models, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg,
303:185-207, 2016, DOI
C. Hesch, M. Franke, M. Dittmann and I. Temizer:
Hierarchical NURBS and a higher-order
phase-field approach to fracture for finite-deformation
contact problems, Comput. Methods
Appl. Mech. Engrg, 301:242-258, 2016, DOI
I. Temizer and C. Hesch: Hierarchical NURBS
in Frictionless Contact, Comput. Methods
Appl. Mech. Engrg, 299:161-186, 2016, DOI
R. Ortigosa, A.J. Gil, J. Bonet and C. Hesch:
A computational framework for polyconvex large
strain elasticity for geometrically exact beam
theory, Computational Mechanics,
57:277-303, 2016, DOI,
C. Hesch and K. Weinberg: Thermodynamically
consistent algorithms for dynamic phase field models of
fracture and finite deformations, Int. J.
Numer. Meth. Engng, 99:906-924, 2014, DOI
S.R. Eugster, C. Hesch, P. Betsch and Ch. Glocker:
Director-based beam finite elements relying on
the geometrically exact beam theory formulated in skew
coordinates, Int. J. Numer. Meth.
Engng97(2), 111-129, 2014, DOI
M. Dittmann, M. Franke, I. Temizer and C. Hesch:
Isogeometric analysis and thermomechanical
Mortar contact problems, Comput. Methods
Appl. Mech. Engrg, 274:192-212, 2014, DOI
C. Hesch, A.J. Gil, A. Arranz Carreño, J.
Bonet and P. Betsch: A mortar approach
for Fluid-Structure Interaction problems: Immersed
strategies for deformable and rigid
bodies, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech.
Engrg, 278:853-882, 2014, DOI
C. Hesch:
Dynamics of continua with
interfaces, Habilitation
thesis, Universität Siegen, 2013,
C. Hesch and P.
Betsch: Continuum mechanical
considerations for rigid bodies and fluid-structure
interaction problems, Archive of
Mechanical Engineering, 2013,DOI,
M. Franke, C. Hesch
and P. Betsch: An augmentation technique
for large deformation frictional contact
problems, Int. J. Numer. Meth.
Engng, 2013,DOI,
C. Hesch, A.J. Gil,
A. Arranz Carreño and J. Bonet: On
continuum immersed techniques for fluid-structure
interaction, Comput. Methods Appl.
Mech. Engrg., 247-248:51-64, 2012,DOI,
D. Anders, C. Hesch
and K. Weinberg: Computational modeling
of phase separation and coarsening in solder
alloys, Int. J. Solids
Struct., 49:1557-1572, 2012,
C. Hesch and P.
Betsch: Isogeometric analysis and domain
decomposition methods, Comput.
Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 213:104-112,
C. Hesch and P.
Betsch: Transient three-dimensional
contact problems: mortar method. Mixed methods and
conserving integration,
Computational Mechanics, 48:461-475,
C. Hesch and P.
Betsch:Transient 3d contact problems -
NTS method: Mixed methods and conserving
integration, Computational
Mechanics, 48:437-449, 2011,DOI,
C. Hesch and P.
Betsch: Energy-momentum consistent
algorithms for dynamic thermomechanical problems -
Application to mortar domain decomposition
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng, 86:1277 - 1302,
C. Hesch and P.
Betsch: Transient 3d domain decomposition
problems: Frame-indifferent mortar constraints and
conserving integration, Int. J.
Numer. Meth. Engng, 82:329 – 358, 2009,DOI,
P. Betsch, C.
Hesch, N. Sänger and S. Uhlar:
Variational integrators and
energy-momentum schemes for flexible multibody
dynamics, Journal of Computational
and Nonlinear Dynamics, 5, 031001, 2010,DOI
C. Hesch and P.
Betsch: A mortar method for
energy-momentum conserving schemes in frictionless
dynamic contact problems,Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng, 77:1468 – 1500,
2009, DOI,
C. Hesch:
Mechanische Integratoren für
Kontaktvorgänge deformierbarer Körper unter großen
Fachbereich Maschinenbau, Universität
Siegen, 2007,
C. Hesch and P.
Betsch: Energy-momentum conserving
schemes for frictionless dynamic contact problems. Part
I: NTS method,IUTAM Bookseries,
Springer-Verlag, 3:77 – 96, 2007,Springer
C. Hesch and P.
Betsch: A comparison of computational
methods for large deformation contact problems of
flexible bodies, ZAMM,
86/10:818 – 827, 2006, DOI
Weitere Veröffentlichungen:
M. Krüger and C. Hesch:
Extended mortar methods for isogeometric
analysis, In Proceedings of the 8th GACM
Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, 259-262,
2019, DOI
J. Schulte, M. Dittmann,
F. Alkdakheel and C. Hesch: Thermo–mechanical
phase–field model for porous–ductile fracture,
In Proceedings of the 8th GACM Colloquium on
Computational Mechanics, 2019,
M. Dittmann, C. Hesch, J.
Schulte and F. Aldakheel: Multi-field
formulation of large deformation ductile
fracture, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.,
2018, DOI
J. Schulte, M. Krüger, M.
Dittmann and C. Hesch: Multi-field modeling of
thermomechanical coupled fracture problems,
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 2018, DOI
M. Krüger, J. Schulte, M.
Dittmann and C. Hesch: Thermomechanical mortar
contact problems with hierarchical refined NURBS for
adhesion and anisotropic friction, Proc.
Appl. Math. Mech., 2018, DOI
M. Dittmann, C. Hesch, J.
Schulte, F. Aldakheel and M. Franke:
Multi-field modelling and simulation of large
deformation ductile fracture, ECCOMAS
Thematic Conference, 2017,
M. Dittmann and C. Hesch:
Mixed variational formulations for multi-field
problems, ECCOMAS Thematic
Conference, 2017,
M. Franke, M. Dittmann,
C. Hesch and P. Betsch: A polyconvex
phase-field approach to fracture with application to
finite-deformation contact problems, Proc.
Appl. Math. Mech.,17, 297-298, 2017, DOI
A. Janz, P. Betsch and C.
Hesch: An algorithmic stress formula for energy
conserving time integration in a mixed framework for
polyconvex large strain elasticity, Proc.
Appl. Math. Mech., 17, 313-314, 2017, DOI
M. Schiebl, P. Betsch and
C. Hesch: A temperature‐based GENERIC approach
for the thermodynamically consistent integration of
thermoelastic solids, Proc. Appl. Math.
Mech., 17, 553-554, 2017, DOI
S. Schuß, C. Hesch and K.
Weinberg: Thermomigration in Sn-Pb solder
bumps: Modelling and simulation, Proc.
Appl. Math. Mech., 16, 483-484, 2016, DOI
A. Janz, P. Betsch and C.
Hesch: Structure-preserving space- time
discretization of nonlinear structural dynamics based
on a mixed variational formulation, Proc.
Appl. Math. Mech., 16, 205-206, 2016, DOI
M. Schiebl, P. Betsch and
C. Hesch: Thermodynamically consistent
integration of coupled thermoelastic systems,
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 16, 235-236, 2016,
C. Bilgen, C. Hesch and
K. Weinberg: A polyconvex strain energy split
for a high-order phase-field approach to
fracture, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 16,
427-428, 2016, DOI
M. Franke, C. Hesch and
M. Dittmann: Phase-field approach to fracture
for finite-deformation contact poblems,
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 16, 123-124,
A. Janz, P. Betsch and C.
Hesch: Mixed integrators for
structure-preserving simulations in nonlinear
structural dynamics, ECCOMAS Thematic
Conference, 2016,
M. Franke, C. Hesch and
M. Dittmann: A higher order phase field
approach to fracture for finite-deformation contact
problems, ECCOMAS Thematic
Conference, 2016,
C. Hesch and P.
Betsch: Application of domain
decomposition methods to isogeometric
analysis, Proc. Appl. Math.
Mech. 12, 179-180, 2012, DOI,
C. Hesch and P.
Betsch: An object oriented framework:
From flexible multibody dynamics to fluid-structure
Stuttgart, 29.05.-01.06.2012,
M. Franke, C. Hesch
and P. Betsch: An energy-momentum scheme
for frictional contact in flexible multibody
dynamics, IMSD, Stuttgart,
P. Betsch, N.
Sänger and C. Hesch: Geometrically exact
structural models for large deformation problems in
flexible multibody dynamics,
IASS-IACM 2012, Sarajevo, 2-4.04.2012,
M. Franke, C. Hesch
and P. Betsch: Energy-momentum consistent
integration of frictional multibody contact
problems, In Proccedings of the
ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, Brussels,
N. Sänger, P.
Betsch and C. Hesch: A computational
framework for large deformation problems in flexible
multibody dynamics, In Proccedings
of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, Brussels, 4 –
7 July 2011,
M. Franke, C. Hesch
and P. Betsch: Consistent time
integration for transient three-dimensional contact
using the NTS-method, Proc. Appl.
Math. Mech, 11:209 – 210, 2011,DOI,
M. Franke, P.
Betsch and C. Hesch: Structure preserving
integrators for non-linear structural
dynamics, Proc. Appl. Math.
Mech, 10:153 – 154, 2010,DOI,
C. Hesch and P.
Betsch: 3D domain decomposition problems,
consistent in time and space, Proc.
Appl. Math. Mech, 9:113 – 114, 2009,DOI,
C. Hesch and P.
Betsch: An energy and momentum conserving
scheme for mortar contact methods, In
Proccedings of the 4th Asian Conference on
Multibody Dynamics, Jeju, 20 – 23 August 2008,
C. Hesch and P.
Betsch: Mortar methods for large
deformation contact problems,Proc.
Appl. Math. Mech, 8:10119 – 10120, 2008,DOI,
C. Hesch and P.
Betsch: Energy-momentum schemes for large
deformation contact problems, Proc.
Appl. Math. Mech, 7:4040005 – 4040006,
C. Hesch and P.
Betsch: On the energy-momentum conserving
integration of large deformation contact
problems, In Proccedings of the
ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, Mailand,
C. Hesch and P.
Betsch: Application of the discrete null
space method to domain decomposition and large
deformation contact, Proc. Appl.
Math. Mech, 6:93 – 94, 2006,DOI,
C. Hesch and P. Betsch:
Ein Vergleich numerischer Methoden zur
Beschreibung von Kontaktvorgängen,
Proc.Appl. Math.
Mech, 5:409 – 410, 2005,DOI,