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Khosravani, M. R., Bieler,S., Weinberg, K., Reinicke, T.:
Mechanical fracture of lattice structures
fabricated by selective laser sintering. Springer;
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (2025)
Bieler,S., Weinberg, K.: Signal Correction for the Split-Hopkinson
Bar Testing of Soft Materials. MDPI; Dynamics (2025)
Bieler,S., Weinberg, K.: Lattice structures as an energy-absorbing component
for impact loads. PAMM 25 (1),(2025), e202400071)
Kai Partmann, Christian Wieners, Kerstin Weinberg.
Peridynamic computations with thin rods. submitted
to PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech ., 24,
Kai Partmann, Manuel Dienst, Kerstin Weinberg.
Peridynamic computations of wave propagation and
reflection at material interfaces. Archive of
Applied Mechanics , to appear, 2024
Sam Aghayan, Mohammad Marvi, Kerstin Weinberg.
Numerical investigations n the volume-pressure change
of acceleration-induced cavitation in soft agarose gel.
to appear in: In Advanced Structured Materials, in
memoriam Prof. Herrmann , Springer 2024
Kerstin Weinberg and Kai Partmann. Different
peridynamic approaches to wave propagation and dynamic
fracture. In Robert Lipton, Anna Pandolfi, Thomas Wick,
and Patrick Diehl (Eds.), Fracture as an Emergent
Phenomenon. Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut
Oberwolfach, Report No. 2/2024, 2024
Kai Partmann and Kerstin Weinberg. Peridynamics as
a simulation method for dynamic fracture. Procedia
Structural Integrity, 0:0, 2024. 3nd International
Workshop on Plasticity, Damage and Fracture of
Engineering Materials (IWPDF 2023) , Istanbul,
Turkey, 2023
Kerstin Weinberg. Peridynamic material models and
their application for dynamic fracture simulations. In
Samuel Forest, David McDowel, Stefan Müller, and Werner
Ewald (Eds.), Mechanics of Materials: Multiscale
design of advanced materials and structures .
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Report
No. 11/2024, 2024
Kai Partmann, Manuel Dienst, Kerstin Weinberg.
Simulation of fracture and damage with peridynamics.jl.
Proceedings of the JuliaCon Conferences ,
Boston, 2023
Silu Zhang, Michael Maurer, Michael Wolf, Kerstin
Weinberg. Rechnergestütze Auswertung von
Brunnenbohrlochmessungen. bbr Leitungsbau |
Brunnenbau | Geothermie , 5, 2024
Kerstin Weinberg,
Laurent Stainier, Sergio Conti, Michael Ortiz.
Data–driven games in computational mechanics.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering, 417:123, 2023
Sören Bieler,
Sebastian Haller, Robert Brandt, Kerstin Weinberg:
Experimental Investigation of Unidirectional
Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Plastics under High Strain
Rates. MDPI; Applied Mechanics , 2023
Kai Partmann and Christian Wieners,
Kerstin Weinberg. Continuum-kinematics-based
peridynamics and phase-field approximation of non-local
dynamic fracture. International Journal of
Fracture , 244:187–200, 2023
Marek Werner, Sören Bieler, Kerstin
Weinberg. Topology Optimization with Matlab:
Geometrically Non-Linear Optimum Solid Structures at
Random Force Strengths. Solids , 2023
Sung-Gyu Kang, Ramil Gainov, Daniel Heußen,
Sören Bieler, Zhongji Sun, Kerstin Weinberg, Gerhard
Dehm, Rajaprakash Ramachandramoorthy. Green laser
powder bed fusion based fabrication and rate-dependent
mechanical properties of copper lattices. Materials
and Design, 231:112023, 2023
Dhananjay Phansalkar, Deepak B. Jadhav,
Kerstin Weinberg, Michael Ortiz, Sigrid Leyendecker.
Extension of the spatially adaptive phase-field model
to various forms of fracture. Forces in
Mechanics, 10:100161, 2023
Stefan Buchen, Nils H. Kröger, Kerstin
Weinberg. An approach to stress conversion
between different deformation states for incompressible
first‐invariant hyperelastic
models . PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math.
Mech. 23: e202300211, 2023
Kerstin Weinberg. Data-driven finite
element computation of microstructured materials.
PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.,
23(4):e20230000, 2023
Sören Bieler and Kerstin Weinberg.
Behavior of additively manufactured lattice structures
under compressive loading. PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math.
Mech. 22(1):202200305, 2023
Lukas Bogunia, Stefan Buchen, Marcel
Fischbach, Kerstin Weinberg. Experiments on the dynamic
poisson’s ratio of PUR foams. PAMM - Proc. Appl.
Math.Mech. , 22(1):e202200304, 2023
Kai Friebertshäuser, Marita Thomas,
Sven Tornquist, Kerstin Weinberg, Christian Wieners.
Dynamic fracture with a continuum-kinematics-based
peridynamic and a phase-field approach. PAMM -
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. , 22:e202200217,
Kerstin Weinberg. Data-driven finite element
computation of foamy material using stochastic
representative volume elements. In Akhtar S. Khan Jeong
Whan Yoon, Ed. ICPDF Proceedings , 2023
Kai Friebertshäuser, Marita Thomas,
Sven Tornquist, Kerstin Weinberg, Christian Wieners.
Dynamic phase-field fracture in viscoelastic materials
using a first-order formulation. PAMM - Proc. Appl.
Math. Mech. , 22(1):e202200249, 2023
Kerstin Weinberg. Computational fracture models for
linearized and finite strains. In: Pietro Cornetti,
Mauro Corrado, Alberto Sapora, and Mantič
Vladislav (Eds.) NewFrac WS 3 & TC 16 WS
III . Politecnico di Torino, 2023
Marcel Fischbach and Kerstin
Weinberg. Effect of Physical Aging on the Flexural
Creep in 3D Printed Thermoplastic. Creep in
Structures VI , IUTAM Symposium Proceedings.
Advanced Structured Materials 194. 115–130, Springer,
Cham., 2023.
Kerstin Weinberg and Sam Aghayan. A
variational model of bubble cavitation in soft gels and
its experimental validation. Mechanics of
Materials , 177:104547, 2023
Marek Werner and Kerstin Weinberg.
Invariance Aspects of F = FeFi Representations in
Coupled-Field Problems. In: I. Giorgio et. al. (Eds).
Theoretical Analyses. Computations, and Experiments of
Multiscale Materials, 327–340. Springer Nature
Switzerland 2022
Kai Friebertshäuser, Marek Werner,
Kerstin Weinberg. Pneumatic Fracture Computations with
Peridynamics. Procedia Structural Integrity,
35:159–167, 2022
Dhananjay Phansalkar, Kerstin Weinberg,
Michael Ortiz, Sigrid.Leyendecker. A spatially adaptive
phase-field model of fracture. Computer Methods in
Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 395:114880,
Mohammad Reza Khosravani, Kai
Friebertshäuser, Kerstin Weinberg. On the use of
peridynamics in fracture of ultra-high performance
concrete. Mechanics Research Communications,
123:103899, 2022.
Kerstin Weinberg and Christian Wieners.
Dynamic phase-field fracture with a first-order
discontinuous Galerkin method for elastic waves.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering, 389:114330, 2022
Lukas Bogunia, Stefan Buchen, Kerstin
Weinberg. Microstructure characterization and
stochastic modeling of open-cell foam based on
𝛍CT-image analysis. GAMM-Mitteilungen – Surveys for
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics , e202200018,
Sam Aghayan and Kerstin Weinberg. Experimental
and numerical investigation of dynamic cavitation in
agarose gel as a soft tissue simulant. Mechanics of
Materials, 175:104486, 2022
Tim Fabian Korzeniowski and Kerstin
Weinberg. Data-driven finite element computation of
open-cell foam structures. Computer Methods in
Applied Mechanics and Engineering , 400:115487,
Sebastian Siebert, Jens Meier, Patrick
Schneider, Stefan Buchen, Kerstin Weinberg, Nils H.
Kröger. Modelling and experimental characterization of
cellular rubber considering inelastic effects and the
microstructure's influence on the macroscopic
mechanical behavior. ECCMR , 2022
Lukas Bogunia, Stefan Buchen, Marcel
Fischbach, Kerstin Weinberg (2023), Experiments on the
dynamic Poisson's ratio of PUR foams. PAMM -
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech . 22: e202200304,
Sören Bieler and Kerstin Weinberg.
Behavior of additively manufactured lattice structures
unter compressive loading. PAMM - Proc. Appl.
Math. Mech.. 22: e202200305, 2022
Henning Jung, Oliver Nelles, Peter
Kraemer, Kerstin Weinberg, Geritt Kampmann, Claus-Peter
Fritzen. Automatic system identification for robust
fault detection of railway suspensions. In
RAIL2022: Fifth International Conference on Railway
Technology . Elsevier, 2022
Kai Friebertshäuser, Christian Wieners,
Kerstin Weinberg. Dynamic fracture with
continuum-kinematics-based peridynamics.
Peridynamics and Its Applications, AIMS Materials
Science, 9(6):791–807, 2022
Sören Bieler and Kerstin Weinberg.
Split Hopkinson pressure bar experiments on additve
manufactured lattice structures with different
volumefractions. In Dynamic Behaviour of additively
manufactured structures and materials, DYMAT 26 TM
Confererence Proceedings , 171–177. DYMAT
Kai Friebertshäuser, Marek Werner,
Kerstin Weinberg. Pneumatic fracture computations with
peridynamics. Procedia Structural Integrity,
35:159–167, 2022
Carola Bilgen, Alena Kopanicakova, Rolf
Krause, Kerstin Weinberg. A phase- field approach to
pneumatic fracture. In: P. Wriggers, J. Schroeder
(Eds.), Non-standard Discretisation Methods in
Solid Mechanics , Springer Lecture Notes.
217-241, Springer Nature Switzerland,
Anna Pandolfi, Kerstin Weinberg,
Michael Ortiz. A comparative accuracy and convergence
study of eigenerosion and phase-field models of
fracture. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering, 386:114078, 2021
Tim Fabian Korzeniowski and Kerstin
Weinberg. A multi-level method for data-driven finite
element computations. Computer Methods in Applied
Mechanics and Engineering, 379:113740,
Carola Bilgen and Kerstin Weinberg. A
phase-field approach to pneumatic fracture with
anisotropic crack resistance. International Journal
of Fracture, 232:135–151, 2021
Marek Werner, Anna Pandolfi, Kerstin
Weinberg. A multi-field model for charging and
discharging of lithium-ion battery electrodes.
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics,
33:pages 661–685, 2021
Carola Bilgen, Christopher Schmidt,
Kerstin Weinberg. Phase-field fracture simulations of a
four-point bending test. PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math.
Mech. , 21:e202100242, 2021
Tim Fabian Korzeniowski and Kerstin
Weinberg. A multi-level data-driven finite element
method in polymorphic uncertainty quantification.
PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 21:e202100189,
Sören Bieler, Sung Gyu Kang, Daniel
Heußen, Rajaprakash Ramachandramoorthy, Gerhard Dehm,
Kerstin Weinberg: Investigation of copper lattice
structures using a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar.
PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 21
(1),20210015 5, 2021
Sam Aghayan, Sören Bieler, Kerstin
Weinberg: Determination of the high-strain rate
elastic modulus of printing resins using two different
Split Hopkinson pressure bars. Mechanic of
Time-Dependent Materials , 2021
Mohammad Reza Khosravani, Payam
Soltani, Kerstin Weinberg, Tamara Reinicke. Structural
integrity of adhesively bonded 3D-printed joints.
Polym. Test. 100: 107262, 2021
Stefan Buchen, Nils Hendrik Kröger, Thomas
Reppel, Kerstin Weinberg. Time-dependent modeling and
experimental characterization of foamed EPDM rubber.
Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. 33:1747–1764,
Marek Werner and Kerstin Weinberg.
B-Spline meshing for high-order finite element analyses
of multi-physics problems. Technische
Mechanik, 41:1–11, 2021
Kerstin Weinberg and Michael Ortiz. Ice
Penetration by a Bluff-Body Melting Probe. Journal
of Applied Mechanics, 87(6): 061003-7,
Marita Thomas, Carola Bilgen, Kerstin
Weinberg. Analysis and simulations for a phase-field
fracture model at finite strains based on modified
invariants. ZAMM , 100(12):e201900288,
Sören Bieler and Kerstin Weinberg.
Correction of Wave Signals for PMMA Split Hopkinson
Pressure Bar Setups. PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math.
Mech. 20: e202000143, 2020
Tim Fabian Korzeniowski and
Kerstin Weinberg. Data‐driven diffusion with
uncertainties. PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.
20.1: e202000325, 2020
Marek Werner, Anna Pandolfi, Kerstin
Weinberg. A multi-field model for charging and
discharging of lithium-ion battery electrodes.
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 33,
661–685, 2020
Tim Dally, Carola Bilgen, Marek Werner,
Kerstin Weinberg. Cohesive Elements or Phase-Field
Fracture: Which Method Is Better for Dynamic Fracture
Analyses? Modeling and Simulation in
Engineering , 1-26, 2020
Marek Werner and Kerstin Weinberg.
Experimental investigation of microstructural effects
in Sn-Pb solder accumulated during ten years of service
life. Micro and Nanosystems 12, 1-10,
Marek Werner and Kerstin Weinberg.
Coupled Thermal and Electrochemical Diffusion in Solid
State Battery Systems. New Achievements in Continuum
Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Advanced Structured
Materials 108, chapter Ch. 35, 519–535. Springer Nature
Switzerland, 2019
Mohammad Reza Khosravani, Denis Anders,
Kerstin Weinberg. Influence of strain rate on fracture
behavior of sandwich composite T-joints. European
Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids , 78:103821,
Tim Fabian Korzeniowski and Kerstin
Weinberg. A comparison of stochastic and data-driven
FEM approaches to problems with insufficient material
data. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering , 1:1, 2019
Mohammad Reza Khosravani, Sara Nasiri,
Kerstin Weinberg. Application of case-based reasoning
in a fault detection system on production of drippers.
Applied Soft Computing , 75:227-232,
Martin Drieschner, Hermann G. Matthies,
Truong-Vinh Hoang, Bojana V. Rosić, Tim Ricken, Carla
Henning, Georg-Peter Ostermeyer, Michael Müller,
Stephan Brumme, Tarin Srisupattarawanit, Tim F.
Korzeniowski, Kerstin Weinberg. Analysis of polymorphic
data uncertainties in engineering applications.
GAMM-Mitteilungen – Surveys for Applied Mathematics
and Mechanics 42:e201900010 2019
Thomas Reppel, Tim Fabian Korzeniowski,
Kerstin Weinberg. Stereological transformation of pore
size distributions with application to soft polymer and
FDM-printed specimens, ZAMM, Zeitschrift für
angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik ,
9(12):201800287, 2019
Carola Bilgen, Alena Kopanicakova, Rolf
Krause, Kerstin Weinberg. A detailed investigation of
the model influencing parameters of the phase-field
fracture approach. GAMM-Mitteilungen – Surveys for
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 43:e202000005,
Kerstin Weinberg and Lukas
Bogunia. Vibration analysis of stochastic
open-cell foam.. SI Seventh International Conference On
Structural Engineering, Mechanics and
Computation , 1-6, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis)
Christian Wieners, Carola Bilgen,
Kerstin Weinberg. Phase‐Field Simulations of Cracks
under Dynamic Loading, PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math.
Mech. , Volume 353, pages 348-372, 2019
Sam Agharyan, Sören Bieler, Thomas
Reppel, Kerstin Weinberg. Experiment on wave
propagation in soft resins. PAMM - Proc. Appl.
Math. Mech. ,19:201900187, 2019
Stefanie Homberger, Marek Werner,
Kerstin Weinberg. Structural optimization of
electrically charged anodes. PAMM - Proc. Appl.
Math. Mech. , 19:e201900098, 2019
Thomas Reppel, Tim Fabian Korzeniowski,
Kerstin Weinberg. Effect of uncertain parameters on the
deflection of beams. PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math.
Mech. , 19:e201900318, 2019
Tim Fabian Korzeniowski, Thomas Reppel,
Kerstin Weinberg. A juxtaposition of data driven and
stochastic finite element analyses for problems with
noisy material data. PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math.
Mech. , 19:e201900197, 2019
Kerstin Weinberg and Lukas Bogunia. Vibration
analysis of open-cell foam. In Proc. 7th SEMC, Cape
Town, South Africa, 2019
Mohammad Reza Khosravani, Peter Wagner,
Dirk Fröhlich, Kerstin Weinberg. Dynamic fracture
investigations of ultra-high performance concrete by
spalling tests. Engineering Structures ,
201:109844, 2019
Carola Bilgen, Stefanie Homberger,
Kerstin Weinberg. Phase-field fracture simulations of
the Brazilian splitting test. International Journal
of Fracture , Volume 220, Issue 1, pages 85–98,
Mohammad Reza Khosravani, Sara Nasiri,
Denis Anders, Kerstin Weinberg. Prediction of dynamic
properties of ultra-high performance concrete by an
artificial intelligence approach. Advances in
Engineering Software , 127:51-58, 2019
Carola Bilgen and Kerstin Weinberg. On
the crack-driving force of phase-field models in
linearized and finite elasticity, Computer Methods
in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , Volume 19,
Issue 1, 2019
Kerstin Weinberg, Marek Werner, Denis
Anders. A chemo-mechanical model of diffusion in
reactive systems. Entropy , 20(2):140,
Mohammad Reza Khosravani and Kerstin
Weinberg. Characterization of sandwich composite
T-joints under different ageing conditions.
Composite Structures . 197:80-88, 2018
Tim Fabian Korzeniowski and Kerstin
Weinberg. A Markov chain approach to damage evolution
in die-cast ZAMAK. Technische Mechanik , 38:135
- 147, 2018
Thomas Reppel and Kerstin Weinberg.
Identification of hyper- and viscoelastic properties of
different flexible FDM printed specimens. PAMM -
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 18:201800382,
Sam Agharyan, Thomas Reppel, Sören
Bieler, Kerstin Weinberg. Experiments on wave
propagation in soft materials. PAMM - Proc. Appl.
Math. Mech. 18:201800346, 2018
Marek Werner, Thomas Reppel, Kerstin
Weinberg. Towards structural optimization of lithium
battery anodes. PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.
18:201800227, 2018
Tim Fabian Korzeniowski and Kerstin
Weinberg. Data-driven approach to elastic problems.
PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. , 18:201800132,
Lukas Bogunia and Kerstin Weinberg.
Topological analysis of open-pore structures. PAMM
- Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. , 18:201800270,
Carola Bilgen, Paul Henning, Markus
Kästner, Kerstin Weinberg. Numerical simulation of
crack propagation in an anisotropic medium. PAMM -
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. , 18:201800308,
Marita Thomas, Carola Bilgen, Kerstin
Weinberg. Phase-Field Fracture at Finite Strains Based
on Modified Invariants: A Note on its Analysis and
Simulations. GAMM-Mitteilungen – Surveys for
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 40: 207 – 237,
Kerstin Weinberg, Mohammad Reza
Khosravani, Benedikt Thimm, Thomas Reppel, Lukas
Bogunia, Sam Aghayan, Ralf Nötzel. Hopkinson bar
experiments as a method to determine impact properties
of brittle and ductile materials. GAMM-Mitteilungen
– Surveys for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics ,
41(2):e201800008, 018
Denis Anders and Kerstin Weinberg. A
thermodynamically consistent approach to
phase-separating viscous fluids. Journal of
Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 43(2):185-191,
Mohammad Reza Khosravani and Kerstin
Weinberg. A review on split Hopkinson bar experiments
on the dynamic characterisation of concrete.
Construction and Building Materials ,
190:1264-1283, 2018
Kerstin Weinberg. On phase-field models with
application to fracture at linearized and finite
strains. In Georg Dolzmann, Adriana Garroni, Klaus
Hackl, Carsten Carstensen (Eds.), Variational
Methods for the Modelling of Inelastic Solids . OWR
5/2018, 2018. Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut
Oberwolfach, Report No.5/2018
Mohammad Reza Khosravani, Sara Nasiri,
Kerstin Weinberg. Prediction of fracture in
sandwich-structured composite joints using case-based
reasoning approach. Procedia Structural
Integrity, 13:168-173, 2018
Thomas Reppel and Kerstin Weinberg.
Experimental Determination of Elastic and Rupture
Properties of Printed Ninjaflex. Technische
Mechanik , 38:104-112, 2018
Kerstin Weinberg and Mohammad Reza
Khosravani. On the tensile resistance of UHPC at
impact. Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top . 227:167-177,
Stefan Schuß, Kerstin Weinberg,
Christian Hesch. Thermomigration in SnPb solders:
Material model. Mechanics of Materials ,
121:31-49, 2018
Mohammad Reza Khosravani, Mohammad
Silani, Kerstin Weinberg. Fracture studies of
ultra-high performance concrete using dynamic Brazilian
test. J. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech . 93:302-310,
Carola Bilgen, Alena Kopanicakova, Rolf
Krause, Kerstin Weinberg. A phase-field approach to
conchoidal fracture. Meccanica 53:1203-1219,
Christian Hesch, Antonio.J. Gil, R.
Ortigosa, Maik Dittmann, Carola Bilgen, Peter Betsch,
Marlon Franke, Alexander Janz, Kerstin Weinberg. A
framework for polyconvex large strain phase-field
methods to fracture. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics
and Engineering 317 : 649-683, 2017
Mohammad Reza Khosravani and Kerstin
Weinberg. Experimental investigations of the
environmental effects on stability and integrity of
composite sandwich T-joints. Mater. Sci. Eng.
Technol. 48:753-759, 2017
Weinberg and Christian Hesch. A high-order
finite-deformation phase-field approach to
fracture. Continuum
Mechanics and Thermodynamics 29: 935–945, 2017
Tim Dally and Kerstin Weinberg. The
phase-field approach as a tool for experimental
validations in fracture mechanics. Continuum
Mechanics and Thermodynamics 29, 947-956,
Mohammad Reza Khosravani Khosravani,
Carola Bilgen, Kerstin Weinberg. Numerical fracture
studies of ultra-high performance concrete under
dynamic loading. In Proceedings of the 7th GACM
Colloquium on Computational Mechanics , Stuttgart,
Germany, 2017
Tim Dally, Ralf Nötzel,
Kerstin Weinberg, Hans-Jürgen Kocks, Juri Rosen.
Innovative Lösungen für Wasserinjektionsleitungen bei
sekundärer Ölförderung. Oldenburger
Rohrleitungsforum 31: 1-13, 2017
Mohammad Reza Khosravani and Kerstin Weinberg.
Experimental fracture studies of ultra-high performance
concrete using Brazilian test by split Hopkinson
pressure bar. In Proceedings of the 14th
International Conference on Fracture , Rhodes,
Greece, 2017
Marek Werner and Kerstin Weinberg.
Diffusion induced void nucleation in SnPb solder
joints. PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 17:
573-575, 2017
Mohammad Reza Khosravani and Kerstin
Weinberg. Investigations on dynamic fracture of
ultra-high performance concrete by Brazilian tests.
PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 17: 251-252,
Thomas Reppel and Kerstin Weinberg. A
stereologic approach for the spherical void size
distribution in Polyurea. PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math.
Mech. 17: 459-460, 2017
Carola Bilgen, Alena Kopanicakova, Rolf
Krause, Kerstin Weinberg. A phase-field approach to
pneumatic fracture. PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math.
Mech. 17: 71-74, 2017
Arne Hansen-Dörr, Paul Henning, Markus
Kästner, Kerstin Weinberg. A numerical analysis of the
fracture toughness in phase-field modelling of adhesive
fracture. PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 17:
249-250, 2017
Weinberg. A phase-field approach to material
degradation. JETC -
Proc. Journées Européennes de Thermodynamique
Contemporaine ,
Tim Dally, Ralf Nötzel, Kerstin
Weinberg, Hans-Jürgen Kocks, Juri Rosen. Innovative
solution for water injection pipes in secondary oil
recovery. Publications Mannesmann Line
Pipe 3R Special , 31: 38-45, 2017
Sara Nasiri, Mohammad Reza Khosravani,
Kerstin Weinberg. Fracture mechanics and mechanical
fault detection by artificial intelligence methods: A
review. Engineering
Failure Analysis 81:270-293, 2017
Panos P. Natsiavasa, Kerstin Weinberg,
Daniele Rosato, Michael Ortiz. Effect of prestress on
the stability of electrode-electrolyte interfaces
during charging in lithium batteries. Journal of
the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 95: 92 - 111,
Christian Hesch, Stefan Schuß, Maik
Dittmann, Marlon Franke, Kerstin Weinberg. Isogeometric
analysis and hierarchical refinement for higher-order
phase-field models. Computer Methods in Applied
Mechanics and Engineering 303: 185-207,
Tim Dally, Ralf Nötzel, Kerstin Weinberg.
Ermittlung der mechanischen Spannungsverteilungen in
der Anstelleinheit eines Walzgerüsts. Stahl und
Eisen 136(2): 35-40, 2016
Kerstin Weinberg, Tim Dally, Stefan
Schuß, Marek Werner, Carola Bilgen. Modeling and
numerical simulation of crack growth and damage with a
phase-field approach. GAMM-Mitteilungen – Surveys for
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
39(1): 55-77,
Marek Werner, Thomas Reppel, Kerstin
Weinberg. Void dynamics in lead-free Sn-Ag-Cu solder
joints. PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 16:
615-616, 2016
Carola Bilgen, Christian Hesch, Kerstin
Weinberg. A polyconvex strain-energy split for a
high-order phase-field approach to fracture. PAMM -
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 16: 427-428, 2016
Lukas Bogunia and Kerstin Weinberg.
Experimental and numerical investigation of PUR foam
under dynamic loading. PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math.
Mech. 16: 309-310, 2016
Stefan Schuß, Christian Hesch, Kerstin
Weinberg. Thermomigration in Sn-Pb solder bumps:
Modelling and simulation. PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math.
Mech. 16: 483-484, 2016
Mohammad Reza Khosravani and Kerstin
Weinberg. Experimental characterization of dynamic
properties of honeycomb sandwich joints and plates.
PAMM-Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 16:145-146,
Kerstin Weinberg and Lukas Bogunia. Experimental
and numerical studies of the acoustic damping
properties of polyurethane foam. In Proc.
Multiscale Innovative Materials and Structures
MIMS16 , Cetera, Italy, 2016
Mohammad Reza Khosravani
and Kerstin Weinberg. Experimental study on influence
of thermal ageing on stability and integrity of
composite joints. Proc. Int. Conf. on New Trends in
Fatigue and Fracture Mech. , Dobrovnik, Croatia, 2016
Kerstin Weinberg. Simulation of material
degradation and fracture by higher-order phase-field
models. In Proc. of 22th. Int. Symposium on
Plasticity , Neat Press, 2016
Tim Dally, Andrei Grigorescu, Hans-Jürgen
Christ, Kerstin Weinberg, Using Martensite Formation
during Tube-Forming to Optimize Fatigue Strength. In:
Kawalla, R. (Ed.) Algorithmen for efficient sheet
metal forming . TU Freiberg, 2016
Kerstin Weinberg, Denis Anders, Stefan
Schuß. Thermal Diffusion in a Polymer Blend. In:
Kerstin Weinberg and A, Pandolfi (Eds.) Innovative
Numerical Approaches for Multi-Field and Multi-Scale
Problems , Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-39021-5 , 2016
Kerstin Weinberg and Anna Pandolfi. A
Material Model for Electroactive Polymers. In: K.
Naumenko and M. Asmus (Eds.) Advanced Methods of
Continuum Mechanics for Materials and Structures ,
Springer, ISBN 978-981-10-0958-7, 2016
Stefanie Heyden, Bo Li, Kerstin
Weinberg, Sergio Conti, Michael Ortiz. A
micromechanical damage and fracture model for polymers
based on fractional strain-gradient elasticity.
Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids
74:175-195, 2015
Mohammad Reza Khosravani and Kerstin Weinberg.
Experimental Investigations on Strenght of Sandwich
Composite Plates and Joints. In R. Mahnken, T. Böhlke
(Eds), Proc. 28. Workshop-Composite Forschung in
der Mechanik . Paderborn, 2015
Kerstin Weinberg and Anna Pandolfi
(Eds.): Innovative Numerical Approaches for
Multi-Field and Multi-Scale Problems , Springer, ISBN
Tim Dally, Andrei Grigorescu, Carsten
Müller-Bollenhagen, Martina Zimmermann, Hans-Jürgen
Christ, Kerstin Weinberg: Using martensite formation
during tube-forming to optimize fatigue strength.
Steel Research International 85(9), 1355-1363,
Christian Hesch and Kerstin Weinberg:
Thermodynamically consistent algorithms for a
finite-deformation phase-field approach to
fracture. International Journal for Numerical
Methods in Engineering 99: 906-924,
Thomas Reppel, Johann Decker, Kerstin
Weinberg: Identification of Viscoelastic Properties and
Damaging Effects of Highly Extensible
Polyurea. PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.
14:343-344, 2014
Tim Dally, Thomas Reppel, Kerstin
Weinberg: Numerical simulations of spalling tests in
order to investigate material properties of UHPC.
PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 14:137-138,
Phillip Gaida, Kerstin Weinberg,
Andreas Jahr. Viscoelastic modelling and experimental
results of a dielectric electro-active polymer
diaphragm actuator. PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math.
Mech. 14:475-476, 2014
Mohammad Reza Khosravani, Peter Wagner,
Dirk Fröhlich, Reinhard Trettin, Kerstin Weinberg.
Fracture toughness investigations on UHPC by spalling
tests. PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.
14:139-140, 2014
Kerstin Weinberg. Thermal diffusion in
polymer blends. In J. Schröder, D. Lapusta, M.-A.
Kneip, and D. Brands (Eds), The Mechanics of
Multifunctional Materials , Report No. 12 ,
101-104, Institute of Mechanics, University of
Duisburg-Essen; ISBN-10 3-9809679-8-0, 2014
Thomas Reppel, Tim Dally, Kerstin
Weinberg: On the Elastic Modeling of Highly Extensible
Polyurea. Technische Mechanik , Volume 33:
19-33, 2013
Denis Anders and Kerstin Weinberg. An
extended stochastic diffusion model for ternary
mixtures. Mechanics of Materials 56:122-130,
Phillip Gaida, Kerstin Weinberg, Andreas Jahr.
Preliminary survey of a diaphragm EAP stack for the use
as an actuator in a water valve. REM- Research and
Education in Mechatronics , 2013
Celia Reina, Bo Li, Kerstin Weinberg,
Michael Ortiz. A micromechanical model of distributed
damage due to void growth in general materials and
under general deformation
histories. International Journal for Numerical
Methods in Engineering 93:575-611,
Bernd Engel, Rainer Steinheimer, Hans-Jürgen
Christ, Andrej Grigorescu, Kerstin Weinberg, Tim Dally.
MEFORM 2013 - Simulation von Umformprozessen ,
Ch. Modellierung und Regelung der Ausformung komplexer
Rohrbauteile unter optimierter Nutzung der
Martensitbildung bei austenitischen Edelstählen,
301-313, Freiberg, Inst. für Metallformung, 2013
Tim Dally, Carsten Müller-Bollenhagen,
Kerstin Weinberg: Modeling Tube-Forming of an
Austenitic Stainless Steel with Exploitation of
Martensite Evolution. Technische Mechanik 32:
155-163, 2012
Denis Anders and Kerstin Weinberg:
Thermophoresis in binary blends. Mechanics of Materials
47:33-50, 2012
Tobias Münker, Denis Anders, Kerstin
Weinberg. Application of buckingham π theorem to
asymmetric plate rolling processes. PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math.
Mech. 12:647-648, 2012
Tim Dally and Kerstin Weinberg:
Deformation induced martensite transformation in a
cold-worked forming process of austenitic stainless
steel. PAMM - Proc.
Appl. Math. Mech . 12: 321-324, 2012
Denis Anders, Maik Dittmann, Kerstin
Weinberg. A higher-order finite element approach to the
Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. ZAMM- Z. Angew.
Math. Mech. 92(8):599-607, 2012
Denis Anders,
Kerstin Weinberg, Ronald Reichardt: Isogeometric
analysis of thermal diffusion in binary blends.
Int. J. of Computational Materials Science ,
Tobias Münker, Denis Anders, Jens
Artel, Kerstin Weinberg: A dimensional analysis of
front-end bending in plate rolling applications.
Journal of Materials
Processing Technology , 2012
Kerstin Weinberg and Denis Anders. B-spline based
simulations of decomposition and thermal diffusion. In
Proc. 6th European Congress on Computational
Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ,
Kerstin Weinberg and Denis Anders. A phase field
approach to reactive systems. In Proc. 8th European
Solid Mechanics Conference , 2012
Denis Anders, Christian Hesch, Kerstin
Weinberg: Computational modeling of phase separation
and coarsening in solder alloys. Int. J. of Solids
and Structures , 49(13):1557-1572, 2012
Denis Anders,
Alexander Hoffmann, Hans-Peter Scheffler, Kerstin
Weinberg: Application of operator-scaling anisotropic
random fields to binary mixtures. Philosophical
Magazine , DOI:10.1080/14786435.2011.595378,
Denis Anders and
Kerstin Weinberg: A variational approach to the
decomposition of unstable viscous fluids and its
consistent numerical approximation. ZAMM- Journal
of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics ,
Bernd. Engel,
Steffen Kersten, Denis Anders: Spline-interpolation and
calculation of machine parameters for the
Three-Roll-Pushbending of spline-contours. Steel
Research International , 2011
Denis Anders, Stefan Uhlar, Melanie
Krüger, Michael Groß, Kerstin Weinberg: Investigating a
flexible wind turbine using consistent time-stepping
schemes. Engineering Structures 50(4):1359–1364, 2011
Denis Anders and Kerstin Weinberg:
Modeling of Multicomponent Reactive Systems.
Technische Mechanik 32: 105-112, 2011
Denis Anders
and Kerstin Weinberg: Numerical simulation of diffusion
induced phase separation and coarsening in binary
alloys. Int. J. of Computational Materials
Science , 2011
Anna Pandolfi and Kerstin Weinberg. Analysis of
failure modes in silicon dies. Engineering Fracture
Mechanics , 78:2052-2069, 2011
Kerstin Weinberg
and Michael Ortiz. Kidney damage in extracorporeal
shock wave lithotripsy: a numerical approach for
different shock profiles. Biomechanics and Modeling in
Mechanobiology, 8(4):285-299, 2009
Maxim Zapara, Nikolay
Tutyshkin,Wolfgang H. Müller, Kerstin Weinberg, Ralf
Wille. A physico-mechanical approach to modeling of
metal forming processes - Part II: damage analysis in
processes with plastic flow of metals. Continuum
Mechanics and Thermodynamics 20(8):509-521,
Kerstin Weinberg,
Thomas Böhme, Wolfgang H. Müller. Kirkendall voids in
the intermetallic layers of solder joints in MEMS.
Computational Materials Science 45(3):827-831,
Kerstin Weinberg and Denis Anders: Simulation von
Entmischungsvorgängen in zweiphasigen Legierungen.
Workshop AG Composite , Paderborn, 2009
Hendrick Quade, Anna
Pandolfi, Kerstin Weinberg. Failure modes of silicon
dies. In D. R. J. Owen and E. Oñate, editors,
Proc. X International
Conference on Computational Plasticity, CIMNE,
Barcelona, 2009
Kerstin Weinberg. Formation of Kirkendall voids in
solder alloys and their influence on joint reliability.
In Proc. of 15th Int.
Symposium on Plasticity . Neat Press, 2009
Hendrick Quade, Anna
Pandolfi, Kerstin Weinberg. Quasi-static failure modes
of silicon dies. In Proc. 12th International
Conference on Fracture, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada,
Kerstin Weinberg
and Thomas Böhme. Condensation and Growth of Kirkendall
Voids in Intermetallic Compounds, IEEE Transactions on Components
and Packaging Technologies, 32(3):684-692,
Thomas Böhme,
Wolfgang H. Müller, Kerstin Weinberg. Numerical
modeling of diffusion induced phase transformations in
mechanically stressed lead-free alloys. Computational Materials
Science, 45(3):837-844, 2009
Kerstin Weinberg. Void
nucleation by vacancy condensation.PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math.
Mech , 8(1):10249-10250, 2008
Kerstin Weinberg and
Wolfgang H. Müller. Nucleation and growth of voids in
solder joints of MEMS. In Bernhard A. Schrefler and
Umberto Perego, editors, 5th European Congress on
Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and
Engineering, ECCOMAS, CIMNE, 2008
Kerstin Weinberg,
Thomas Böhme, Wolfgang H. Müller. Void formation due to
vacancy supersaturation and plastic deformation in
intermetallics. 7.
GAMM Seminar on
Microstructures, Bochum, 2008
Kerstin Weinberg. Modeling
and numerical simulation of kidney damaging side
effects in shock wave lithotripsy. In Bernhard A.
Schrefler and Umberto Perego, editors, 8th World Congress on
Computational Mechanics WCCM8. CIMNE,
Maxim Zapara, Nikolay Tutyshkin,
Wolfgang H. Müller, Kerstin Weinberg, Ralf Wille. A
physico-mechanical approach to modeling of metal
forming processes - part I: theoretical framework.
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 20(4):231-254,
Kerstin Weinberg, Thomas Böhme.
Mesoscopic Modeling for Continua with Pores: Dynamic
Void Growth in Visco-Plastic Metals.Journal of Non-Equilibrium
33(1):25-49, 2008
Kerstin Weinberg and
Patrizio Neff. A geometrically exact thin membrane
model investigation of large deformations and
wrinkling. International Journal for
Numerical Methods in Engineering, 74(6):871-893,
Kerstin Weinberg.
Assessing failure in microelectronic compounds.
Science, 43(1):229-234, 2008
Kerstin Weinberg and
Thomas Böhme. Mesoscopic Modeling for Continua with
Pores: Application in Biological Soft Tissue.
Journal of
Non-Equilibrium Thermo dynamics, 33(1):1-24,
Kerstin Weinberg
and Wolfgang H. Müller. A strategy for damage
assessment of thermally stressed copper vias in
microelectronic printed circuit boards. Microelectronics
Reliability, 48(1):68-82, 2008
Thomas Böhme and Wolfgang H. Müller,
Kerstin Weinberg: Numerical modeling of diffusion
induced phase transformations in mechanically stressed
lead-free alloys. Computational Material Science,
45:837-844, 2007
Wolfgang H. Müller, Kerstin Weinberg, Thomas
Böhme: A Higher Gradient Theory of Multi-Phase Solid
Mixtures and its Application to Lead-Free Solder
Micro-Morphology. In: Proc. 9th Electronics
Packaging Technology Conference 2007
Wolfgang H. Müller,
Kerstin Weinberg, Thomas Böhme. On the Effect of
Kirkendall Voids on Solder Joint Reliability. PAMM,
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 2007
Kerstin Weinberg
and Patrizio Neff: A Geometrically Exact Membrane Model
for Isotropic Foils and Fabrics. PAMM, Proc. Appl.
Math. Mech. , 2007
Kerstin Weinberg: Damage by cavitation in soft
tissue - a numerical approach. Proc. of The 13th
Int. Symposium on Plasticity (Invited Paper),
Kerstin Weinberg: A theory for
Kirkendall void growth in MEMS First Seminar on the
Mechanics Of Multifunctional Materials, Bonn,
2006 und älter
Kerstin Weinberg,
Thomas Böhme: Cavities in a Visco-Plastic Material - A
Mesoscopic Concept Proc. Appl. Math. Mech . 6,
413-414, 2006
Kerstin Weinberg: Response of Kidney
Tissue to Dynamical Loading. PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math.
Mech . 6, 147-148, 2006
Kerstin Weinberg and
Michael Ortiz. Modeling and numerical simulation of
kidney damaging side effects in shock wave lithotripsy.
In Ted Belytschko and Brian Moran, editors,
7th World Congress on
Computational Mechanics WCCM7 . CIMNE, 2006
Kerstin Weinberg, Alejandro Mota,
Michael Ortiz. A Variational Constitutive Model for
Porous Metal Plasticity. Computational
Mechanics 37(2):142-152, 2006
Kerstin Weinberg. Finite-Element Simulation of
Failure under Shock-Loading. In D. Braess, Carsten
Carstensen, and K. Hackl, editors, Gemischte und
nicht-standard Finite-Elemente-Methoden mit
Anwendungen . Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut
Oberwolfach, Report No. 5/2005, 2005
Kerstin Weinberg, Jens Sterthaus,
Wolfgang H. Müller. Determining Material Parameter of
Solder Alloys by Nanoindentation. PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math.
Mech . 5, 451-452,
Kerstin Weinberg
and Michael Ortiz. Shock Wave Induced Damage in Kidney
Tissue. Computational Material Science, 32:588-593,
Juritza, Jens Sterthaus, Wolfgang H. Müller, Kerstin
Weinberg. Modeling and Verifying Nanoindentation Tests
of Pb-free Solder Alloys by Numerical
Methods. PAMM - Proc.
Appl. Math. Mech. 4:728-729, 2004
Kerstin Weinberg. Localization of Failure in
Shock-Loaded Metals. In R. Mahnken, R. Hermann, and E.
Schnack, editors, Proc. 17. Workshop-AG
Composite . Paderborn, 2004
Kerstin Weinberg, Tim Colonius, Michael
Ortiz. A Model for Kidney Tissue Damage under High
Speed Loading. PAMM -
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 4:234-235,
Carsten Carstensen and Kerstin
Weinberg. An Adaptive nonconforming finite element
method for Reissner-Mindlin Plates. Int. J. Numerical
Methods in Engineering, , 56:2313-2330, 2003
Kerstin Weinberg and Michael Ortiz. A
Variational Formulation of Porous Plasticity and its
Application to the Taylor Impact Test. In: H.A.
Mang, F.G. Rammersdorfer and J. Eberhardsteiner, Eds.,
Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on
Computational Mechanics (WCCM V) , Vienna,
Kerstin Weinberg and Carsten Carstensen: On A
posteriori Error Estimation and Adaptive Finite Element
Algorithms for the Reissner-Mindlin Problem. In:
H.A. Mang, F.G. Rammersdorfer and J. Eberhardsteiner,
Eds., Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on
Computational Mechanics (WCCM V) , Vienna,
Kerstin Weinberg and Ulrich Gabbert: An
Adaptive pNh-Technique for Global-Local Finite Element
Analysis. Engng. Comp.: Int. J. Comp.-Aided Engng
and Software 19(5): 485-500, 2002
Kerstin Weinberg: Adaptive Computation of
Elasto-Plastic Plates by a Locking Free Finite Element
Method. In T. Sonar and I. Thomas, Eds., Notes on
Num. Fluid Mechanics , pages 227-239. Logos,
Berlin, 2001
Carsten Carstensen and Kerstin
Weinberg: Adaptive mixed finite element method for
Reissner- Mindlin plates. Computer Methods in
Applied Mechanics and Engineering 190(51-52):
6895-6908, 2001
Kerstin Weinberg: An adaptive Finite
Element Approach for a Mixed Reissner-Mindlin Plate
Formulation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics
and Engineering 190(37-38): 4999--5008,
Kerstin Weinberg and Carsten Carstensen:
Experimental Comparison of some Recent Finite Element
Methods for the Reissner-Mindlin Plate Model. ZAMM,
Z. angew. Math. Mech. 81(2): S409--S410, 2001
Kerstin Weinberg: Preasymptotic
Performance of Modified Mixed Finite Element Schemes
for Plates. Technische Mechanik ,
20(3): 255--268, 2000
Carsten Carstensen and Kerstin
Weinberg: Calculating the Energy-Norm FEM-Error for
Reissner-Mindlin Plates without known Reference
Solution. Computational Mechanics 26(6):
566-570, 2000
Kerstin Weinberg and Carsten
Carstensen: Adaptive mixed finite element method for
Reissner- Mindlin plates. ZAMM, Z. angew.
Math. Mech. 80(2): S559-S560, 2000
Ulrich Gabbert and Kerstin
Graeff--Weinberg: Adaptive Local-Global Analysis by pNh
Transition Elements. Technische
Mechanik 19(2): 115-126, 1999
Harald Berger and Kerstin
Graeff-Weinberg: FEM-Detailuntersuchungen an Tragwerken
unter Einsatz von pNh-Übergangselementen. In:
Tagungsberichte des IKM97 , 44-54. Darmstadt,
Harald Berger, Ulrich Gabbert, Kerstin
Graeff-Weinberg, J. Grochla, H. Köppe: Über eine
Technik zur lokalen Netzverdichtung in der FEM und
Anwendungen im Bauwesen. In: Rechnergestützte
Verfahren 214, 78-85. VDI-Fortschrittsberichte
Reihe 20, 1996
Kerstin Graeff-Weinberg and Ulrich Gabbert:
PNh-Elements for the Solution of Multiscale
Problems. ZAMM, Z.angew.Math.Mech. 5,
76: 175-177, 1996
Kerstin Graeff-Weinberg and Harald
Berger: Verbesserte FE-Diskretisierung bei
Kontaktaufgaben. Technische Mechanik
16(3): 257--267, 1996
Ulrich Gabbert and Kerstin Graeff-Weinberg: The
pNh-transition element concept for hp-adaptive finite
elemente analysis. In: Int. Conf. Num.
Meth. and Comp. Mech. in Science and Engng. ,
24-29. Miscolc 1996
Kerstin Graeff-Weinberg and Harald
Berger: Ein neues FE--Konzept zur Kopplung
inkompatibler Vernetzungen. Technische
Mechanik 15(3): 215-227, 1995
Ulrich Gabbert and Kerstin Graeff-Weinberg: On new
transition elements for hp-adaptive finite elemente
analysis. In: R. Larson, N.-E. Wiberg (Eds.)
NSCM VII, Eight Nordic Seminar on computational
Mechanics , XII/1-4. Göteborg, 1995
Kerstin Graeff-Weinberg and Ulrich Gabbert: Eine
pNh-Elementformulierung für die
Kontaktanalyse. ZAMM,
Z.angew.Math.Mech ., 74: T195-T197, 1994
Ulrich Gabbert and Kerstin Graeff-Weinberg:
pNh-Elemente für die Lösung nichtlinearer
Kontaktaufgaben in der p-Version der FEM. In:
XXII. Internationaler FEM-Congress , 115-126.
IKOSS-GmbH Stuttgart, 1993
Kerstin Graeff-Weinberg:
Untersuchung des Spannungs- und Verformungsverhaltens
von senkrechten Rohrverzweigungen.
Konstruktion , 44: 275-280, 1992