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Experimental Methods for Single- and Multi-Component Gas Adsorption Equilibria

Determination of Absolute Gas Adsorption Isotherms by Combined Calorimetric and Dielectric Measurements

Adsorptionstechnik zur Gewinnung und Reinigung von Wasserstoff

Determination of Absolute Gas Adsorption Isotherms by Combined Calorimetric and Dielectric Measurements

Gas -Adsorption Measurement Methods and Separation Processes

Adsorption of Components of Biofuel on Activated Carbon

Measurement Methods for Single- and Multi-Component Gas Adsorption Equilibria

Volumetric–Densimetric Measurements of the Adsorption Equilibria of Binary Gas Mixtures

Zur Bestimmung von Masse und Volumen adsorbierter Gase aus volumetrischen Messungen


An Outlook to Biothermodynamics

Investigation of growth processes of bacterial populationsby caloric measurements

Biothermodynamics, Chances and Problems

Thermodynamic analysis of photosynthesis

Perspektiven der Biothermodynamik - I. Thermostatik und Thermodynamik irreversibler Prozesse

Perspektiven der Biothermodynamik - III. Thermische Stabilität von Proteinen

Photosynthesis of an Oak Tree

Thermodynamic Analysis of Photosynthesis

Towards an Equation of State for Cell Membranes Composed of Lipid like Molecules (DMPC*)

Aspects of Biothermodynamics (D)

An Outlook on Biothermodynamics: Needs, Problems, and New Developments. I. Stability and Hydration of Proteins

Entwicklung einer thermischen Zustandsgleichung für Zellmembranen aus lipidartigen Molekülen (DMPC*)


Wirbelrohr nach Ranque & Hilsch

Das Wirbelrohr: Grundlagen und neue energietechnische Anwendungen

Studien- / Diplomarbeiten

Liste der Studien- und Diplomarbeiten